Volunteers expect to raise a flock of bucks for the ducks

By Janet Shmorong Ducks Unlimited Canada, Strathmore Committee

Over 200 people are expected at the 36th Annual Strathmore Ducks Unlimited Fundraising Dinner & Auction which will take place at the Strathmore Civic Centre on Saturday, June 2, 2018.
The annual dinner and live auction is a highly anticipated event in the community, aimed at raising funds for wetland conservation.
“If you’re an outdoor enthusiast or are concerned about the loss of natural environments, this event gives you an opportunity to give something back to nature. Approximately 600 species of plants, animals and insects depend upon wetlands – they are one of the most are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth,” says Strathmore committee chair Jeanette Helfrich, a volunteer with Ducks Unlimited Canada. “Loss of wetland habitat is a huge threat.
“Wetlands hold huge environmental benefits for people too,” she adds. “Wetlands help reduce flooding, treat wastewater, replenish groundwater, guard against erosion and keep our water clean. People truly need to understand that wetlands are an important part of our watershed. Wildlife need wetlands, but people need them too.”
The banquet dinner is a fun event and the auction is always chock full of great items such as wildlife prints by well-known Canadian artists, all types of gear for the outdoors enthusiast, sculptures and many items donated from local businesses.
Tickets to the event are on sale for $50 each or $350 for a table of eight. Proceeds from the annual banquet and auction support Ducks Unlimited Canada’s efforts to conserve wetlands through habitat conservation, scientific research and public education projects.
The committee is also on the lookout for volunteers, donations and sponsors. For tickets or more information, call Jeanette Helfrich at 403-990-1657 or email (jhelfrich@cciwireless.ca).