Glass artist donates items for society’s first fundraiser

By Miriam Ostermann, Associate Editor

Jennifer Mamer will have two of her art pieces, including this glass top table, at the Wheatland Society of Arts (WSA) fundraiser on May 4.
Miriam Ostermann Photo
Twelve years of working in sales took its toll on Jennifer Mamer a couple of years ago, when she received some simple advice from her father. He said, “Just don’t do it anymore.”
While Mamer didn’t consider the recommendation realistic at first – juggling a mortgage payment, car payment and many other financial responsibilities – she decided to take the plunge and focus on art instead. Her glass work quickly received rave reviews around town, and her involvement with the Wheatland Society of Arts (WSA) landed her a spot on the board as secretary while also teaching a variety of classes, including glass art, pottery and painting.
“I had reached that part of my career where I would get up in the morning and was just dreading (work), so then it was time for a change,” Mamer said. “I thought I’m just going to jump off the cliff and hope I grow wings on the way down and see what happens, and that was kind of it.”
Mamer grew up in Saskatchewan where her mother was the director for an art program for the City of Weyburn. Since the age of four, she spent many hours in art studios and galleries. She was introduced to glass art at the age of 10 when she created glass stepping-stones during an art class.
However, her chosen medium proved cost prohibitive at $15 to $20 per square foot of glass. So instead of choosing art as a career path, she pursued a degree in biochemistry at the University of Alberta. It wasn’t until she moved to Strathmore six years ago and by chance noticed the grand opening sign of the Wheatland Society of Arts studio shortly after, that her interests were piqued to give art another chance.
“For me it’s been a really good social experience, just getting to meet members of the community,” said Mamer. “This place is very rewarding and this space is very exciting. I think it’s important to have a place for people to come and be introduced to things… that if you want to try something you can go and try it.”
A few years ago, Mamer’s father’s girlfriend – who suffered from arthritis in her hands – offered Mamer various equipment, such as grinders and nearly $3,000 worth of glass. The selfless gesture allowed Mamer to revisit her talent and experiment more freely. Now she has customers seeking her out to do custom work or refurbish vintage items such as old barn windows. The glass artist also has two items, a small glass top table and a large-scale glass piece measuring two by three feet with stone work incorporated within it, in the WSA first ever fundraiser on May 4. The event features 65 items to date for the live and silent auctions. While the fundraiser aims to raise awareness for art and programs in the community, funds raised help sustain current and future programs.
“A lot of what we’re seeking the funding for in terms of fundraising is for programs,” added Mamer. “We have moms and tots programs, youth and senior programming and we run them at a loss. They’re not designed to make money, they’re designed to introduce groups simply to art.”
The art show and fundraiser takes place May 4 at the Strathmore Civic Centre from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $40 or $250 for a table of eight. The event features entertainment, dinner, and a live and silent auction. Tickets can be purchased at the studio location (115 Third Avenue), or at For more information contact