Dignitaries attend Siksika career and employment fair


Melissa Strle
Times Reporter


Mayor Michael Ell of Strathmore and Chief Vincent Yellow Old Woman of Siksika Nation, came out to support the Siksika career and employment fair at the Siksika community centre on Oct. 19.
Leon Crane Bear, business industry liaison for Siksika Employment and Training Services, said the career and employment fair “went really good,” and it was nice to have the mayor come out and show his support.
This was the first time Mayor Ell attended the Siksika career and employment fair.
“Him just coming here is a great success in terms of creating partnerships for us and for the Siksika people,” said Crane Bear. “That’s the foundation of a good relationship. You’ve got to initiate, whether it’s Siksika or the Town of Strathmore.”
Merlin Breaker, chief executive officer of Siksika Family Services, was also in attendance along with Danny Stimson, manager of Siksika employment and training services.
Mayor Ell was introduced and the ceremony was marked with opening remarks and a gift exchange between the chief and Mayor Ell.
“It was very successful and it was good to see the amount of people, businesses, colleges and universities to encourage people to look at different career options and it was also good to see a whole host of different businesses there that are looking for employees,” said Ell. “I thought it was well done.
“It’s really important that partnerships are created in the Wheatland County area. Building those partnerships and building that networking – that has big benefits.”
Crane Bear said one topic the chief and the mayor talked about was the financial contribution the Siksika community has provided to the Town of Strathmore.
Last spring, the fair had 48 vendors. This time, however, Crane Bear said the focus was not on quantity but the quality of vendors.
“I feel this year we met our target by having around 30 vendors come out to this fall fair” said Crane Bear.
Eight post-secondary colleges and universities attended the fair along with representatives from partnerships Siksika utilizes, including McBride Career Group and Fast Labour Solutions.
Some employers in attendance that were looking to fill positions included Hines Industries and Arctic Arrow. Arctic Arrow has a contract with AltaLink to build hydro line structures.
Crane Bear said the company contacted him a few weeks prior to the fair, stating their interest in attending. He said the company recognizes traditional Blackfoot territory.
“They recognize we’re going to work through Blackfoot lands, so that’s why they’re here,” he said. “They want to hire labourers, technicians and engineers to help with their company.”
Romer Environmental from Brooks was also at the fair and will be maintaining the road at the dam just outside of Bassano on the Siksika reserve.
No tally was recorded on the number of attendees at the fair but Crane Bear said he was happy that community and youth came out. However, he was hoping to get even more community members out.
“All in all it was great,” said Crane Bear.