Pursuing her dreams!


Pat Fule
Times Contributor


This week I was able to ask a few questions of a local young lady, who’s starting to make a name for herself in music.
Jordan Ostrom goes by the stage name of “Sykamore” and has been writing, recording, and performing throughout Canada. Recently, she travelled to Nashville where she again, wrote and recorded music. She has released albums on YouTube, and recently had success with a single called “Houseboat.”
1. How, and at what age, did you discover you had a talent for music and song writing?
The first time I sang in public I was about four, and I think that was sort of a fluke that led to me realizing I actually liked singing and it came somewhat easily to me. So after that my mom put me in singing lessons and I started getting opportunities here and there, but I didn’t start writing music until I was probably in high school – but I always enjoyed poetry and creative writing so I think I had flexed those muscles a bit before getting into writing songs.
2. Explain the situation when you decided to really pursue a career in music?
I can’t remember a specific day or moment, but I do remember wanting to pursue it for a long time before I even told anyone. Music wasn’t really part of my identity when I was a teenager (I sort of put it on hold for a few years out of insecurity) so I think it was a little bit embarrassing, the thought of coming out and making big proclamations about trying to ‘make it’ in music. I was so sure it was this impossible thing to achieve, so I tried to put it out of my mind … but it was always there. I started a little duo with my friend in college and I think it was around that time that I started to think, maybe I can do this. And shortly after that I think I started telling people that was my goal in life. Ultimately I have my college friends to thank, for being so encouraging and allowing me to be creative and figure out what I wanted without fear of judgment.
3. How did you decide upon the stage name “Sykamore?” Has it helped you retain some anonymity?
The need for a stage name basically came when I decided my real name wasn’t ‘memorable’ enough for the music industry. So I started thinking, if I were to have a stage name, it should be reflective of my music and my brand. So then I started throwing out adjectives that characterize my brand and they were things like “real, organic, strong, tenacious, rootsy …” and it just sounded so much like a tree I was talking about. So I picked the sycamore tree, and changed the C to a K for some signature. I think most people know my real name anyways, I haven’t tried to legally change my name or anything, so I doubt it gives me much anonymity, but the name itself is just weird enough that people remember it, and it’s proved to be pretty valuable and caused me to meet some really powerful people in the industry.
4. You had a song called “Houseboat” that generated a lot of buzz … tell us about it, and how it came to be? Where can our readers buy it, and other songs of yours?
Houseboat is a song I wrote a few years ago, and so it was really great to finally put it out after hesitating for a while. It’s a summer jam about a bad break up, and then healing from it by going out on a boat with your friends and just letting it go. If you’d like to buy it, it’s available on iTunes and you can request it on your local country station as well. All of my material is on iTunes though, if you’d like to purchase it.
5. What projects do you have coming up, and are you recording new material now?
Well right now I am in the thick of a contest known as Project Wild, which is a province-wide artist development program for country performers. 12 finalists are chosen out of hundreds, and then we are put through a series of challenges that we are judged on in order to determine the Top 3 artists out of the bunch, and those three will win $100,000, $75,000, and $50,000. Lately I’ve been pretty preoccupied with the challenges, along with a hefty business proposal you have to create for the contest. But I am recording new material now, I am in the process of releasing a small EP due to release later this year.
6. You have a strong humanitarian side to you, please tell us the upcoming project you have?
One of the challenges I have to complete for Project Wild is to throw a charity event, which is coming up on Oct. 20 at the Discovery Theatre at First Alliance Church in Calgary – I am playing an acoustic concert and my mom is selling her homemade pies! All the proceeds are going towards The Exchange Church’s trip to Haiti next year, where they will be helping to build a school and provide relief in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. It is $20 at the door, and you can also purchase homemade pies. It should be a great evening! It all kicks off at 7p.m.
7. Besides this charity performance, where could our readers see you perform live, and how can they help support your career?
My adjudicated Project Wild showcase is being held at Knoxville’s Tavern on Oct. 27, starting at 9 p.m. The more people we have out the better! So bring a friend and come watch my set as well as my talented cohorts Trevor Panczak and Midnight Lights.