The forgotten child

By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

Hello Strathmore! I would like to talk briefly about the “forgotten child” of the energy industry – natural gas. Alberta is blessed with abundant supplies of natural gas and an energy industry that leads the world in extracting it efficiently. My home is heated with gas and as I write this, natural gas-fueled generation is supplying over 50 per cent of Alberta’s electricity needs. It’s nice to know that when we flip the switch the power will come on, isn’t it?
Various regulatory issues have restricted the ability of our Alberta producers to get their product to market. This has caused significant bottlenecks and historic low prices. You may think “That’s great! My bills will go down.”
Unfortunately, recently natural gas prices were far below the cost of production. If producers cannot make money they will go out of business and down the road this will inevitably cost you money and it’s already cost many Albertans their jobs.
In the short term we need to ensure our producers can access existing markets. Your government recognizes this and Dale Nally, Associate Minister of Natural Gas, has spearheaded the following initiatives:
1) A reduction in property taxes, saving industry over $23 million.
2) Flexibility in statutory payments, recognizing short term cash flow challenges.
3) Measures to ensure that our pipeline system makes market access a priority.
Over the past few months, Minister Nally has brought together the stakeholders and facilitated cooperation to ensure our gas producers can get their gas to market. This is in everyone’s best interests and has already improved prices. On Nov. 29, 2018 Alberta Spot Gas was trading at $0.46/GJ. This was almost $5/GJ less than the benchmark “Henry Hub” price for North American natural gas. On Nov. 29, 2019 Spot Gas was trading at $2.58/GJ, and the discount to Henry Hub prices was about $0.60/GJ. In fact, at the UCP AGM this past weekend, one delegate asked Minister Nally where he hung up his superhero cape, which was a nice compliment and well deserved.
Long term, we need LNG. I am a born and raised Albertan with relatives in India. They live with daily air pollution worse than the worst from the B.C. fires. Access to clean Alberta natural gas and Alberta technology would immediately improve air quality and health, enhance opportunities and raise millions from poverty.
Make no mistake, this is not strictly an economic issue, it is a human rights issue. Exporting our natural gas and our technology will immeasurably improve the lives of millions and we will be the richer for it.
Another human rights issue will be an uncomfortable one for many people. I am talking about female genital mutilation or FGM. This is the practice, unfortunately common in many parts of the world, of removing parts or all of the external genitalia of young girls for various putative reasons ranging from hygiene to prevention of promiscuity to so-called cultural practices. There is no basis for any of these stated reasons. This can and does cause lifelong physical and mental health problems, and often leads to death from complications. FGM occurs in all religions and cultures and yes, it does happen here. Worldwide it is estimated that one vulnerable child is cut every 11 seconds. Make no mistake, this is child abuse; it is a violent assault on a vulnerable child and it is a gross violation of human rights. In recent years many of the victims have started to speak out, and many young girls are fleeing their parents and communities to seek refuge from those who would assault them. The cone of silence surrounding FGM is slowly but surely being eroded. I am happy to say that many men from communities where this is practiced are starting to speak out and many countries have outlawed it. Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook know that I am passionate about this issue. Check out .
This vile practice has no place in Canada or anywhere else. It is illegal in Canada and classed as assault. If you think this is happening in your community, please speak out. Call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 or contact my office at 403-962-0126 and we will assist you. Break the cone of silence, we owe it to our beautiful, perfect children. As always, we love to hear from you.
(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)