Roadhouse carries hamper society to finish line

By Miriam Ostermann, Associate Editor

Staff at the Roadhouse Restaurant and Lounge decided to forego their Christmas gift exchange and instead bring in donations to the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society.
Miriam Ostermann Photo
After weeks of struggling to fill the bare shelves and with only a few days left before the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society reached their cutoff point, a compassionate act by the Roadhouse Restaurant and Lounge staff allowed the organization to reach their target goal.
This year, the 51-member-strong staff at the local establishment unanimously decided to forego a gift exchange at their Christmas party and instead bring items to fill the shelves at the society.
While the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society estimated a nosedive in donations by 30 per cent relative to last year, the society has actually seen an upsurge in contributions over the last week, bringing donations up to 96 per cent. With donations from two more schools this week and the contributions from the restaurant, the society felt strongly that they would complete the target by Thursday of this week.
“We had the schools come in and they’ve supported us like crazy and so I’ve done my purchases and we’re now at 96 per cent,” said Craig Stone, chairperson for the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society. “But every little bit helps, because I have little pieces to fill in the puzzle. By getting things like the (Roadhouse donation) … this is going to bring us up to the top. It seemed like a real struggle and then in one week we got it all. So it’s been a busy week.”
Kim Fayant, a server at the Roadhouse Restaurant and Lounge, recognized the need after hearing about the society’s situation. She approached general manager Belinda Derraugh, and proposed the initiative. Shortly after, everyone else jumped on board.
“There’s a lot of people in need at this time of year, and I love the fact that everybody did it,” said Fayant. “There’s a really big need for that. Always. Not just at Christmas.”
The staff donated $230 in gift cards and filled a number of bags with groceries and toys at their annual staff Christmas party that took place on Dec. 11. The deadline for donations for the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society was Dec. 15.