High demand for library program

By Miriam Ostermann, Associate Editor

Following widespread interest and lengthy waiting lists, the Strathmore Municipal Library is introducing a one-day program in the new year to provide youth with a window into the popular Winging It program.
Winging It is the brainchild of long-time dancer and actor Alex Keeling who, as a staff member at the library, initiated the program a year and a half ago. Since then, children and teenagers have taken to the program with enthusiasm, offering input and showcasing their talent.
The program spans over eight and 16 weeks for children and teenagers respectively, and can only accommodate 12 individuals in each group. Therefore, Keeling is offering a one-day free Musical Theatre Game Day program on Jan. 4 to 20 participants.
“Winging It for teens and Winging It for kids programs are popular, so I wanted to be able to give kids a little snippet in a one-day (setting) so they could experience it even if they weren’t in the full program,” said Keeling.
“It’s been a very successful program with waiting lists, and people are already seeing the posters and asking about it.”
In comparison to the Winging It program, which includes musical theatre games, many exercises and a dance routine, the Musical Theatre Game Day just focuses on the games.
Winging It: Theatre Games for Kids and Winging It: Theatre Games for Teens are also making a comeback early next year and will see the addition of a skit.
Keeling has danced and acted for 11 years and thrives on passing on her talents.
“I love watching the kids learn and grown,” said Keeling. “It’s my favourite thing to see them progress, whether it’s over one class or a season of Winging It. I love seeing them catch on to things and see that they’re capable of a lot more than they thought they were, and come out of their shell.”
The Strathmore Municipal Library recently moved back into their space in the Strathmore Lambert Centre where a larger program room can now accommodate greater audiences. The space will provide the Winging It program with area to practice dance routines rather than having to break up into groups and staggering practice times.
“What’s quite exciting is that we have such a dynamic staff, and so when we have people on staff like Alex who have this great talent and bring these kinds of awesome programs to us, we just have to grab hold of it and run with it,” said Carmen Erison, assistant director to library services at the Strathmore Municipal Library.
“I’ve been just so thrilled to see the excitement gathered around this program, and I’m very proud of her … she’s done a great job with this program,” added Erison. “Just to see kids who can’t wait to get back into it. They’ve been asking and asking; that’s really attributed to a great programmer and the skills that she brings to this program.”
Musical Theatre Game Day will take place on Jan. 4 for ages six to nine from 1 to 2:30 p.m., and ages 10 and up starting at 3:30 until 5 p.m. Registration opens on Dec. 18 at 10 a.m.
Winging It: Theatre Games for Kids aged seven to 11 years old is a bi-weekly program from 6 to 7p.m. The Winging It: Theatre Games for Teens aged 12 and older is a weekly program with alternating hours of 7 to 8:15 p.m. during week one and 6 to 7 p.m. during week two. Both programs start Jan. 30 and go until May 7, 2018.
For more information visit strathmorelibrary.ca.