Wine glass paint night fundraiser set to be a great time


Melissa Strle
Times Reporter


The Strathmore municipal library is set to hold its second wine glass paint night fundraiser on Oct. 24 at Legends in Strathmore.
This adult-only event marks the library’s second paint night fundraiser after the first event held last month.
The fundraiser will be held to help raise proceeds that will be utilized to increase programs and services for the library.
“You hear about these wonderful paint nights that are going on in Calgary and it’s really wonderful to see these kinds of exciting nights now coming to Strathmore,” said Carmen Erison, assistant director of library services at the Strathmore municipal library.
“It provides the community with different opportunities of just sort of getting out and doing something fun with friends,” said Erison.
At a cost of $30 per person, registrants can choose between painting either a blue glass or a gold glass and all supplies will be included. Everyone is welcome to attend and beginners will be shown step by step how to paint their own beautiful glass to take home.
Erison contacted Newsy Neighbour to hold the first event after seeing an ad looking for groups to be the benefit for paint nights.
Erison noted that Newsy Neighbour “handled everything” and the event filled very fast with approximately 30 participants. She stated that the company was “wonderful,” and the event “went so well.”
Fundraising chair for the Strathmore municipal library Marlene Risdon saw information about hosting paint nights on Facebook and also decided to inquire. When the first paint night event for the library was eventually held, she attended and stated that the first paint night was fantastic.
“Everybody really had a good time,” she said.
The night raised $850.
“It’s just a really fun night out with friends,” said Erison.
According to Erison, Risdon got the second upcoming paint night fundraiser off the ground. Erison stated that Risdon has a friend who paints beautiful wine glasses and “we’ve opted to do sort of another paint night but in another unique form.”
The Wine Glass Paint Night will be taught by Laurie Kenley from Glassware Creations by Laurie. Those interested in attending the upcoming paint night fundraiser can register in person at the library.
There are approximately 45 spots available and the deadline for registration is by 3pm the day of the event. However, everyone is encouraged to register prior to the deadline since spots are limited.
Proceeds from the event will be used to cover supply costs for the program and partial proceeds will go towards helping to increase programs and services at the library.