Summer writing has come to an end


Andrea Roberts
Times Contributor


Well Strathmore Times readers, my summer internship has come to an end and sadly that means I must leave you and return to Mount Royal University for my next year of schooling. This summer has been definitely been one to remember. I have experienced many new and exciting things, met so many interesting people, and gained a little bit of self-confidence along the way.
Over the past few months I have learned so many things both as a journalist and as a person. I find that now I can call people on the phone without sounding like a ball of nervous energy, my photography skills have improved, and my writing is a little more refined. I would like to say that the improvements were all of my own doing but alas that would not be the truth. It was the mentorship and friendly atmosphere of my co-workers at the Strathmore Times that helped me to grow and making me feel like I was part of the community.
While working for this paper I have experienced so much that will stay with me forever. Watching one of my favourite country singers Kira Isabella up close at the CRIR15 was a dream come true. Then there were the Canada Day celebrations at Kinsmen Park which I helped to cover while enjoy the wonderful event the community put on. Stampede weekend will also stick with me because while I may have gotten a really bad sunburn and blisters on my feet, I was taught to drive a team of horses and got my heart pounding as I stood centre field to take pictures of brave folks who decided to participate in Running with the Bulls.
So dear readers I thank you for reading my stories and generally just being great people. It has been an honour to work for this newspaper and an honour to work in such an amazing town. Stay awesome Strathmore and you may just see me next summer.