Town resumes Cemetery Bylaw debate

The Town of Strathmore council has deferred further discussions regarding Bylaw 24-21 being the Cemetery Bylaw to a future council meeting during the Sept. 4 regular meeting. Town administration has… Read More »

Spartans successful weekend

Strathmore Spartans found success in Camrose at the University of Augustana Volleyball tournament on Sept. 7.   The senior girls volleyball team is a mixture of veteran players with some… Read More »

County passes road licensing bylaw

Wheatland County council passed third and final reading for Bylaw 2024-27, being the Road Licensing bylaw during the Sept. 3 regular meeting of council.  First and second readings of the… Read More »

Caring for seniors

Last week, I had the pleasure of joining the Strathmore Seniors Happy Gang and had a wonderful time filled with laughter and great conversations. Seniors have contributed so much to… Read More »