Taking a part in Grey Cup festivities

Hello Strathmore! Congratulations to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers for ending their 29-year drought with a dominating performance in the 107th Grey Cup. Special congratulations to Andrew Harris as the first… Read More »

Town Council in Brief

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019 Information from Strathmore Town Council Regular Meeting Public hearing on proposed bylaw 19-12, a land use amendment for commercial rezoning for a business on Westlake Road.… Read More »

Get a job

It’s kind of odd for a former high school PE/English teacher/coach to not like watching sports on TV. However, that is a true statement, and unless a local pro team… Read More »

Fourth year for Stuff-a-Bus project

On Nov. 23, residents of Strathmore and Wheatland County stepped up, filling three buses with donations for the fourth annual Stuff-a-Bus project. The Stuff-a-Bus project is the biggest fundraiser for… Read More »

Quilting for a good cause

The Wheatland Quilters Guild gets together regularly to quilt, and over the past few years, they’ve met not only to quilt but to create special gifts that are then donated… Read More »