Town saves Terry Fox Run

With no coordinator in place for the 2019 Strathmore Terry Fox Run, the Town of Strathmore has stepped up to organize the run this September, ensuring its continuation in Strathmore… Read More »

WFES folds

After over 45 years in the community, the Wheatland Further Education Society (WFES) has folded. According to Joyce Bazant, WFES executive director, the society’s board of directors were finding themselves… Read More »

Fun-filled week

Hello Strathmore Times Readers! It has been a fun-filled week of rain, wind and pretty awful weather, but that is Alberta for you and we are amazingly resilient (resistant? resigned?)… Read More »

Open Farm Days goes this weekend

Now in its seventh year, Open Farm Days takes place across the province this weekend, Aug. 17 and 18. The weekend showcases Alberta’s agriculture industry and growing rural tourism sector.… Read More »