Plenty to do at the Strathmore Library

Melissa Strle
Times Reporter


The Strathmore Municipal Library provides an abundance of regular, year-round programming that caters to a wide variety of Strathmore residents.
December is gearing up to be particularly enjoyable with some new and old Christmas season programming at the library.
“I feel like every month is a big month for the library, but December is particularly joyful and festive because we are gearing up towards the holidays and we do try to celebrate as much as we possibly can,” said Alexis McKenzie, acting director of library services.
Read on for some coming events at the library.

Book Sale
The library is hosting a book sale Dec. 2-3.
“This is the one that most of our patrons wait a long time for with much anticipation,” said McKenzie.
Books will sell for 50 cents each, or three for $1. The sale will feature a large selection of books for all ages.
“There promises to be a lot of fantastic stuff there,” said McKenzie.
The books have been donated by community members all throughout the year and are saved and stored for this big event.
The sale goes on Friday, Dec. 2, from 12 noon to 7 p.m., and Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Snaps with Santa
Snaps with Santa is a new program the library, giving families the chance to get their child’s picture with Santa Claus for a nominal fee.
For $40, families get a 10-minute sitting with Santa, while photographs are taken by photographer Doug Taylor. Families receive all the photos taken, on a USB drive.
“There’s nothing worse than being in a long lineup at the mall, waiting to see Santa, and your kids are getting tired and maybe a little grumpy, and by the time you get there [to see him], everybody just wants to go home,” said McKenzie.
Sittings must be pre-booked, which can be done online at Sittings are available on Dec. 13 and Dec. 14, between 2 and 8 p.m. each day.

Christmas Silent Auction
“We just recently had our Christmas market and each vendor donated an item that could be put towards the silent auction,” said McKenzie.
Bidding will be open from Dec. 1 to Dec. 15 at noon that day. Auction items are on display at the library, where bids can be made.
McKenzie said that this is a great way to support the library and the money received will go towards library programs and services.
“It’s a fantastic way to get the community involved,” said McKenzie. “And it might be a nice way to get your Christmas shopping done as well.”

Ginger all the Way
Ginger all the Way is a popular library program that will take place on Dec. 23 in what Mckenzie described as “an incredibly fun and festive day.”
Children are invited to celebrate the Christmas holidays by making fun gingerbread trains. There will be three different sessions with 13 children booked per session.
The cost is $5 per child, which covers all supplies, and the class is open to all ages. Children under the age of eight must be accompanied by an adult.
Registration runs Dec. 1-15 and will be accepted in person at the library.