Life’s little pleasures

Pat Fule
Fule for Thought


Recently, I got to MC the Crisis Society’s “Dueling Pianos” Fund Raiser. The night also consisted of a live auction. I haven’t been to many auctions, and here’s what I learned about them. If you see a friend in the crowd, do not wave to him!
I did, and the auctioneer took my wave as a $350 bid! I’ve never been so scared, I didn’t even know what I’d bid on, and I frantically thought about ways to find that money fast! Luckily, the auctioneer let me off the hook and another person won the bid! I did tell my friend that I’d never wave at him again!
I think that gave a lot of people some laughs, to see if I’d have to pay for a dumb mistake. I also like to find humour in things that happen, it can be a good way to deal with life. When I was a kid and a paper boy, I had one of the biggest laughs of my life. I was rounding the corner with my paper bag weighing me down, when I saw a young lady getting groceries out of her trunk. It was winter, very cold and icy … all good ingredients for a big slip, and fall!
Yup, as I lumbered around the corner, she hit glare ice with her boot, and she and all her groceries went up (briefly), then down with what was probably a good thud! I couldn’t help myself … I had to ditch into the bushes along the road! I was hysterical, I laughed so hard I was crying, and the teardrops were starting to freeze! Then, the poor lady tried to get up, and down, she went again! It was all too much for a 12-year-old boy to take … my laughter switched to the silent, shrugging ones where your whole body is overcome. Luckily, she never saw me, but that sight has stood with me for 40 years! I know it’s awful, but every now and then when I’m blue, it always brings me a smile!
Vehicles can bring little joys to a person’s life. For example, I was recently in Calgary for a vehicle service. While waiting, I decided to walk a bit, and cut through another dealership. Here’s where you can try a simple but effective, and fun trick. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a salesman walking behind me. He was trying to catch up to me, so I increased my pace. He increased his pace and I increased mine some more, forcing him into a light jog! This guy was in a suit, and it was nice and warm out, so I could hear him huffing and puffing. When he finally caught up, I stopped abruptly, so that he almost crashed into me. As he asked if I needed help, I laughed that was just “passing through” … heh heh … got another one!
If you have a power lift gate on any of your SUVs, try the game I play. With your remote, watch and wait for someone to walk close enough to your vehicle, so that when you hit the button, the lift has a chance to raise and give them a little bump, or scare! It’s free entertainment, it’s fun, and an easy way to “hunt” shoppers! You can also play another game on your own family with your vehicle! I call it: “The Door Lock Game.”
All you need is power locks, a snowy or rainy day, and a trusting kid. You get in on your side and lock the power locks. Then, you don’t let in your kid, and motion to the door handle. Ah, the fun, the competition and good times, of seeing if your child can open the outer door as you unlock, and lock the door from inside! For this to truly work best, you should play the game in a good downpour, or in blizzard conditions! It does help your child to set goals for himself, and deal with failure, too! They also learn to respect the power of Mother Nature. One warning: I would avoid this game in severe lightning storms … that seems to take the fun out for the kid!
One cold January morning at SHS, some male (it’s always the guys!) students decided they wanted a day off from school. So, at about 2 a.m., they pulled up in a pickup truck with a huge garbage pail full of water. They proceeded to drive up to every exterior door, and poured water along the bottom sills to freeze them solidly! Their hope was that if no one could get in, maybe, just maybe, school could be cancelled. They hadn’t known the coach and players for the boys’ basketball team had a 7 a.m. practice! So, the players were able to chip away the ice to get the door open, and the school day was saved! Our culprits also forgot we have security cameras outside, and a clear image of them, their truck, and its license plate was in full view! They were able to get some time off school, but not the way they had planned!

(“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that appears in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at