Outdoor skating rink for Speargrass

Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor


Colder weather has residents thinking about outdoor activities, and the Speargrass Community Association wants to put up a temporary outdoor skating rink for their residents’ enjoyment.
The group submitted a proposal that was heard at the Oct. 18 Wheatland County council meeting. Details can be seen online under the agenda attachments.
They set out a 32 by 52 foot rink that would be flooded with water that is trucked in and supplied by the community association.
However, the staff listed liability and public safety concerns with the proposal. The proposed locations for the rink are bordered by roadways on all sides, and concerns about parking with vehicle damage from over-shot pucks were considered.
“I would sooner see it put in a spot that is permanent and not affected by any road plans,” said Coun. Don Vander Velde.
It was suggested that the association approach Speargrass Golf Course; however, the owner of the golf course also had concerns regarding liability. Council suggested if the rink were placed in one of the suggested locations, an encroachment agreement would be needed and set only for the present year.
“Community amenities such as skating rinks provide fun family activity opportunities; however, safety is always a factor to take into consideration,” stated Dave Churchill, general manager of Wheatland County transportation and infrastructure.
Council declined approval at this time, turning it back to staff to try to find a more appropriate site where the rink could be located.