Wildflower water line over budget
Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor
The approved project to install a 250-300 mm diameter water main pipe from Westmount Drive to Strathmore Lakes ran into cost overruns.
It was originally approved at $168,000 with $38,000 set for engineering and project management. The remainder of $130,000 was to go to construction.
However, due to some considerations that had to be made for the pipeline’s encroachment on bridge foundations, a required casing improvement and a pathway development, the lowest bid for the work came in at $239,500. It was awarded to Whissell Contracting Ltd. A 10 per cent contingency amount was also added to the cost. The total amount is $276,622.50 plus GST, which will come out of the Town of Strathmore MSI funding.
Climbing wall for pool
Approval was given to replacement of an eight by 12 foot climbing wall for the aquatic centre. Construction costs will be $20,985 plus GST. The money is taken from the financial stabilization fund. The cost was more than the original quote, as there were no Canadian suppliers and paying the United States supplier meant more money was needed due to increased exchange rates.
Councillor Brad Walls asked if the Lions Club was asked about cost sharing on the project, and staff replied the Lions money had already been dedicated to supporting free family swims for a three-year period.
Horse hitch gets $2,000 with conditions
A request for $5,000 to $8,000 came to council to support the Slim Moorehouse horse hitch event. The request fits requirements for requests covered under the community investment fund.
The community investment fund was created in 2015 to replace the Town of Strathmore donation policy. It was designed to facilitate strong partnerships between council and community not-for-profit organizations in nurturing, supporting and celebrating Strathmore’s artistic, cultural, sport and recreational attributes that enhance Strathmore’s overall identity, sense of place and quality of life.
“The reason we set up the community investment fund is so these requests wouldn’t come to us piecemeal,” said Mayor Michael Ell, who questioned why the request wasn’t directed to the fund allocation committee.
Staff said the second 2016 allocations begin June 17 and recommendations to council for this event would not occur until July 6, which would be after this event is scheduled.
Council wanted some assurances the event would go ahead as planned, as they were still waiting for reimbursement from the cancelled Canadian Rockies International Rodeo and did not want a similar situation to occur if the event was cancelled. Staff members will meet with organizers and said they would get assurances in writing from them. Council suggested if the event was not held, the money given to organizers should be refunded to the town.
Council said they would like to include a similar assurance for community investment contracts in the future.
Councillor Denise Peterson questioned if there might be an opportunity to display town banners on the wagons. Staff said they would approach organizers and notify council of their response.
The horses are scheduled to appear at the agricultural grounds in the first week of July.
Basketball court revamp for Strathmore Lakes
The undersized and pitted basketball court in Strathmore Lakes Crescent will get an expansion and facelift. Strathmore council approved a 47 by 50 foot court be built for a cost of $19,250.
“I took an opportunity to drive through the neighbourhood and it was surprising how many driveways and garages have nets attached, so it seems to be quite popular in that area,” said the Town of Strathmore Deputy CAO Linda Nelson.
She said the larger court will not interfere with other play structures in the park as it is quite a large green space.