Festival winners


Carolyn Steeves and Loralee Laycock
Strathmore Music


The final concert of the Drumheller and District Music Festival was held Thursday, March 24 at the Badlands Community Facility.
Strathmore and area was well represented at the Music Festival this year with students participating in voice, musical theatre, piano and choral classes.
Susanne Sevcik and Janet Ying, pianists and students of Carolyn Steeves, both received four awards at the final concert.
Sevcik was awarded the Knights of Columbus Trophy and DDMFA Scholarship for highest mark in Piano classes 13-16 years and the Ross Ferby Scholarship for highest mark in Piano Recital and Concert classes. She was also awarded the Winnon Sibbald Memorial Trophy and Krabsen Scholarship for highest mark in piano duets and was nominated by the adjudicator to represent the Drumheller and District Music Festival at the Provincial Music Festival in Edmonton on Thursday, May 24 in the Piano Solo class 16 years and under.
Ying was awarded the Mrs. Engbaum Memorial Plaque for the highest mark in a Mozart, Haydn or Beethoven performance, and Vera Marchuk Scholarship for highest mark in Piano classes 6-12 years inclusive. She shared the Winnon Sibbald Memorial Trophy and Krabsen Scholarship for highest mark in piano duets with Susanne Sevcik and was nominated by the adjudicator to represent the Drumheller and District Music Festival at the Provincial Music Festival in Edmonton on Saturday, May 26 in the Piano Solo class 12 years and under.
Parker Riou won awards in voice, musical theatre and piano and was honored to perform at the Final Concert of the Festival. At piano student of Carolyn Steeves, he was awarded the Alison Jensen Memorial Trophy for highest mark in Piano classes for nine year olds only.
The Brentwood School Music Program was well represented at the final concert winning five awards. The Brentwood School Primary Choir was awarded the Chapter G, P/E.O. Trophy for Pre-School and Grade 1 Choruses. The Junior Choir won the T.E. Keele Trophy for highest marks in School Choruses, Grades 2 and 3 while the Brentwood School Senior Choir won the G. Fred Anderson Memorial Plaque for highest mark in School Choruses, Grades 4-6. Both the Brentwood School Junior and Senior Choirs were nominated by the adjudicator to represent Drumheller and District Music Festival at the Alberta Music Festival’s Provincial Choral Finals in Edmonton on Friday, May 6.
Crowther Memorial Junior High School Choir was awarded the Rotary Club Trophy for highest marks in School Choruses, Grade 7-9 while the Strathmore High School Glee Choir was awarded the W. R. Dean Memorial Trophy and DDMFA Scholarship for highest mark awarded to a school chorus.
The Strathmore Children’s Choir also had a number of award winners. Shelby Laycock won the provincial nomination for 12 & Under Musical Theatre; Beta Sigma Phi Plaque for highest mark 11 to 15 years in Musical Theatre solo.
Parker Riou was awarded the Amy Thompson Trophy for highest mark 10 years and under in Musical Theatre Solo; L. Howard-Sengaus Trophy for highest ark in Junior Boys’ vocal solo classes, 14 and under. Rayanne and Shelby Laycock received the John & Lavinia Edwards Memorial Scholarship for highest mark in Musical Theatre duets, trios, ensembles and production numbers. Conor Anderson won the Provincial Nomination for 16 & Under Musical Theatre, while
Emma Van Bussell walked away with the Class Award for highest mark in vocal solo special study, and Sarah Dronyk was awarded the Ross Ferby Scholarship for piano solo, Level 6-9.