All aboard the Polar Express


Justin Seward
Times Reporter


Aspen Crossing dedicated the inaugural Alberta Ride of the Polar Express to cancer patient Jace Hurum and 53 other kids who have either survived or battling the disease to lift their spirits by boarding the magical train.
The kids and their families had a chance to experience Aspen Crossing staff members and actors re-enact the Warner Bros movie, while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies on the trek to the North Pole – and at the end of the line, Santa climbed aboard.
Hurum was diagnosed with crangiopharyngioma, a brain tumour of the pituitary gland, around Christmas last year. For his father Justin, there was nothing more that he and his wife Jody wanted than to see their son enjoy the holiday festivities this year.
“It’s a wonderful experience,” he said. “They put on a great show here. The boys enjoyed it big time and it’s a great way for us to start our Christmas this year after Christmas last year.”
Justin and Jody got in touch with Sick Kids and everything went according to plan.
They have seen improvement in Jace’s progress and take it day-by-day without worrying about the little obstacles.
Kids Cancer Centre Communications Manager, Gail Corbett, was astounded by the turn out and the job Aspen Crossing did in lifting the holiday spirits of children affected by cancer.
“I think for these kids that have been through so much, to be able to have a little piece of magic, I think it’s everything to lift their spirits,” said Corbett. “To give them a little taste of normal childhood, which is one of the things that Kids Cancer Care tries to do is give families the chance to have a community where they can be with each other and support each other. But also just to go out and have some fun because they’re not having a lot of fun while on treatment and they need a break sometimes.”
Aspen Crossing owner Jason Thornhill was touched as the night went along.
“We think that probably most of these kids hadn’t been on a train,” said Thornhill. “It was a great opportunity for everybody and it was nice for us to be a part of it and getting the recognition out of it, it’s nice. And to see all those smiling faces, it hits the heart strings.”
He added that an event like this could take place annually.