Benefit concert for Syrian Family coming to Strathmore
Miriam Ostermann
Times Associate Editor
After having recently been matched with a highly vulnerable Syrian family in urgent need of resettlement, Hope for Syria, a Strathmore-based fundraising group, is forging ahead with their plans for a Christmas benefit concert with all proceeds going directly to the refugee family.
The group already raised the minimum requirement of $15,000 through private donations from individuals and local organizations over a three-week period. Together with a completed settlement plan, a sponsorship application was submitted to the Canadian government to bring the family into Strathmore.
While the requirements were met, Hope for Syria anticipates the Hope for the Holidays concert will bring in additional funds to make up for the family’s travel costs, and possible additional expenses.
“One thing we want people to know is that there is no risk for Canadians,” said Heather Russell, organizer of the Hope for the Holidays event.
“They’ve already gone through a pretty extensive process before we even get their information to match us together. From there we are matched based on our resources for what we can supply for a rural area, and what is best for them.”
In organizing the event, Russell received help from local talent, Alexandrea Patzer and Terrah Harper, who recruited the musical line-up for the evening. Patzer who has a bachelor degree in vocal performance from Briercrest College and has received a variety of performance awards, and Harper, a skilled piano, violin and viola player, were recently asked to perform in a Calgary event, Music for Medicine. Consisting of approximately a dozen local acts, including solo, duet, and chorus performances, the benefit concert will feature cello, piano, guitar and trumpet instruments in bringing the Christmas music to life. The Strathmore Children Choir will also be performing.
“Hope for Holidays is an evening of musical collaboration between many Strathmore musicians, it’s a festive evening of Christmas music,” Russell said.
“There will be a little bit of information about Hope for Syria, but it’s more focused on a festive Christmas evening as opposed to bombarding people with information. It’s a Christmas celebration.”
Roughly a week ago, the group received information about a family that were the most ideal candidates for the Strathmore community. Pending on the paper work, the Syrian family is currently seeking safe haven in a refugee camp in Lebanon. With no hiccups along the way, Strathmore could welcome a 29-year-old husband with a vocational college degree who has worked in the automotive and mechanical industry, his 24-year-old wife, six-year-old son, and four-year-old daughter as early as the beginning of 2016. The family is also accompanied by the husband’s parents, a 61-year-old and 71-year-old couple, and the 27-year-old sister who has a bachelor degree, worked as a teaching professional, and speaks English.
Just over a month ago, Shelby Dwyer held a meeting at the Hope Covenant Church, with 60 residents in attendance, to arrange movement for the cause. By going through a Blended Visa Office-Referred program – a private sponsorship of refugees program – the Canadian government matches the funds and covers the costs over the next six months. Under the program, the group will be responsible for the family’s emotional and social needs, as well as their integration into the community.
With a family member knowledgeable of the English language, and a set of grandparents to watch the children, Russell is enthusiastic about this pairing, as it will make learning the language easier and provide opportunities for the parents to work – addressing some of the concerns that were raised during the Sept. 30 meeting.
The group has also received numerous donations from the community including clothing, furniture, and even temporary housing.
Russell is optimistic that the event could reach capacity at 300, resulting in a $4,500 fundraising effort. Hope for the Holidays will take place at the Strathmore Alliance Church at 7 p.m. on Dec. 5. Tickets are $15 and available at the Strathmore Alliance Church or Hope Covenant Church.