The Justice League of Strathmore
Pat Fule
Fule for Thought
So once again, I took over 30 kids to the 2015 Calgary Comic Convention. Again, if you’ve never been there, it’s pretty much “Nerd Heaven,” and I’m one of them!
There are all sorts of costumes from comics to Manga and Anime, to movies and television. In fact, I had planned to pay $80 to get a photo op with Stan Lee. He’s the man who started Marvel comics and created Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Ironman and many other titles.
Then at 11:30 p.m. the night before, I got a text from a teacher pal saying it was too bad I wouldn’t meet Stan Lee. In the dark, I frantically searched the Internet on my cell phone. Debbie asked “what are you doing?”
I replied (logically, I thought), “I’m checking to see if Stan Lee died today!”
She was shocked, “only you would go there immediately and think he was dead!”
“Yeah, but he’s 92 … who knows how many more of these he’s got in him!”
So, I have to wait one more year to meet a hero of mine … hopefully, he’s eating right and staying healthy!
The Comic Con also had Viking battle demonstrations! Picture it: out of shape nerdy guys battling away with metal swords and wooden shields. I’m not sure if they rehearsed and knew ahead of time, which Viking was to lose in the “war,” but if you were hit, you had to over act and put on a great “death!”
Then while the other “Vikings” flailed away at each other, you lay there in the grass as a “dead” warrior. I thought it would be hilarious if, in front of the crowd, the “Vikings” quietly snuck away, leaving the dead guy lying there waiting … and waiting. Or, what if after a while, the dead guy actually fell asleep?!
Anyway, after an amusing display of battle, the last standing Viking staggered to the middle of the field and bowed. I think he actually had an inhaler taped to the inside of his shield as a precaution! Those Vikings are tough, but hey, you can’t be too careful with asthma!
The costumes are interesting, too. I mean there were young and old, people of all sizes, dressed as their favorite heroes and villains. I will say this: just because your hero looks great in a mini-skirt or spandex, does not mean you should also wear that. I mean I love Superman, but I’m not squeezing my middle-aged body into tights to prove that I like him! My daughter and I almost walked into a guy dressed perfectly as Beetlejuice. Before I knew it, she and I said “Beetlejuice” three times … but nothing happened, he was still there! He didn’t seem impressed with us, either!
Brennen was right behind me, and I explained what we were doing, only to realize I was been talking to a guy dressed as some creepy alien from some Sci Fi show! That was embarrassing! One funny costume was simply a guy dressed normally with a cage over his head! He had a photo of Nicholas Cage strapped to his head, and he was Nicholas Cage! That one made me laugh out loud … but sometimes comic nerds don’t like that laughter part!
So, after a full seven hours chock full of shopping in booths of comic books, action figures, clothing, and even celebrities, we got the kids loaded on the bus and off to Peters’ Drive In. We got a lot of stares with all the various costumed heroes chowing down on cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes! Then my fellow nerds sang and shouted all the way home … I knew we shouldn’t have given them any sugar!
(“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that appears in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at