County approves community grant funding
Justin Seward
Times Reporter
Wheatland County Council approved the Community Enhancement Grant Funding after a recent assessment of ongoing projects was done for the area.
The funding, including levy totals, is $422,919.78.
“So what ends up happening typically now that it’s approved, the cheques will be put together and they will be dispersed to the groups. It’s an upfront, so the groups can get going on their projects,” said Alan Parkin, Wheatland County’s Chief Administrative Officer.
The funds come from the mill rate set up by the county a number of years ago, and the Community Enhancement funding is supported by the money collected from that. This initiative has been ongoing for three years, helping local groups and organizations fund various projects.
“The county set up a mill rate of .1 mill three years ago. Those funds get dispersed throughout the county to recreation and associated activities,” said Parkin.
This year the dollars available to the initiative has increased.
“It went up about $11,000 because of a new assessment. I think it was stated that it was oversubscribed with $1.2 million worth of applications, certainly something that the group is going to come back and make some suggestions in June or July for what they feel the county should do,” said Parkin.
“When it’s oversubscribed by three times the amount of funding available then you know it’s a successful program.”
Some of the projects that received funding are: kitchen cupboards and counters for the Cairnhill Community Association at a cost of $7,744.13; Cheadle rink upgrades at a costs of $10,000; 5 For Life and their Growing East Communities at a cost of $3,000; and playground landscaping for the Lakes of Muirfield Recreational Society at a cost of $5,594.45.