Wheatland Interagency Council … about us!

 Wheatland Interagency Council    

Wheatland Interagency Council, otherwise referred to as Interagency, offers a forum for community agencies and not-for-profit service providers to promote their agency and events, network with other providers, reduce duplication of services,  and  share their expertise by acting as resource to other council members.
Responding to a need for knowledge sharing and networking within the community, Wheatland Interagency Council was one of the first programs started by Wheatland FCSS in 1978. It allowed social issues to be addressed, new programs to be introduced, and collaboration among members with common goals.
Wheatland Interagency Council meetings take place at noon on the second Wednesday of every month from September through June. Traditionally the season begins with a catered luncheon and guest speaker in September and annual fees are collected at that time. Multiple representatives from an agency are welcome to attend any of the meetings.
Meetings rotate among agencies and each month the meeting site volunteers as host.  A WFCSS representative chairs the meeting. Unless otherwise notified, members are invited to bring their lunch and eat during the meeting.
After the minutes of the previous meeting are passed, the host agency is given an opportunity to talk about their programs for five to ten minutes.
There is a “hot topic” discussion next, involving an item decided at the previous meeting that is an  issue common to everyone present (i.e. transportation, duplication of services).
The “Member Sharing” then continues with a round table report from each agency present.  Agencies are encouraged to share upcoming events  and concerns or issues they may be having.  In interest of keeping meeting to its timelines, historical information or distant events can be included in the written report submitted by  each agency at the end of the meeting. The meeting is adjourned (no motion) when all agencies have had opportunity to share.  
After the meeting the minutes are prepared and distributed by e-mail by the Friday following the meeting to ensure timely information sharing.
WFCSS maintains a current email listing of participating agencies as the goal of the organization is to promote communication and prevent duplication of services. Agencies requiring information to be distributed between meetings have only to submit their information to WFCSS and it will be distributed to the participating agency e-mail list.