Carseland ready for Centennial celebrations


Shannon LeClair    

Times Reporter    
It’s been 100 years in the making, but the Carseland Centennial festivities are almost here. The weekend of July 18-20 is filled with activities to keep the whole family entertained. 
“We’re going to start everything off by dedicating Downey Centennial Park,” said Marcy Field, one of the centennial celebrations organizers. 
There will be a ribbon-cutting and the monument will be unveiled beginning at 2:30 p.m. on July 18.
Field said there is an active fishing tourism industry and the community is recognizing that with the monument because it’s one of the main reasons people outside of the community stop in Carseland for.
Following the recognition ceremony there will be registration set up at the Carseland Hall from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. where people can pick up registration packages. People are also encouraged to stop by the registration table to sign the guestbook and let people know where they are visiting from. 
A BBQ and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., hosted by the Carseland Firefighters Association and to finish off Friday evening there will be a community campfire from 8 p.m. to midnight.
“What we’re doing is remembering the past, celebrating the present and planning for the future. I think there is a lot of excitement about that, and we really do want anyone who feels connected to our community in any way to come here and be part of the celebration,” said Field.
“Anyone who has been a part of the community we welcome and invite them to come and celebrate with us.”
Also that first evening, and throughout the weekend, people are invited to take a stroll down memory lane in the Jetsetters room and the Carseland Hall.  It will be like a walk back in time, with antiques and displays set up featuring different time periods.  
July 19 begins with the Centennial Golf Tournament at Speargrass; with registration starting at 8 a.m. Joel Ostrom’s band will be performing during the Welcome Back breakfast held at the hall from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. A music festival is planned to take place from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. featuring artists Sox and Sax, Sykamore, Rozella and Friends, and more. Kids entertainment is also planned during the music festival. 
A Carseland School meet and greet will be from 1p.m. to 4 p.m. followed by the Centennial Dinner and program beginning at 6p.m. Duelling Pianos Keith Floen and Dobie Dorner will be providing the evening entertainment beginning at 8p.m. 
The dinner is catered and is $25 per person, which, aside from the golf tournament, is the first charge of the day. 
Sunday, July 20 will be Thanks for the Memories breakfast hosted by the Carseland Public Benefit Club. There will be a church service by the Bow River Alliance church from 10:30 a.m. until noon, and the closing ceremonies for the weekend will follow shortly after. On the Facebook group, Carseland Centennial, there have been updates, along with photos about Carseland’s history, centennial plans and fun tidbits. 
Tickets can be purchased online at and you can pay with PayPal, or download the form and mail the payment in with the completed form. Un-serviced camping is available for $30 for the weekend.