Parade planning underway

 Shannon LeClair  

Times Reporter   
The Year of the Horse: that’s the theme behind this year’s Strathmore Stampede parade, which will be held on Aug. 2.
“There are not going to be a lot of big changes this year, the parade route is going to stay the same, registration fee is the same … but we are changing the way we do some of the judging and instead of trying to get all the judging in before 9 a.m. we’re going to judge as they go along in the parade,” said Community Services Coordinator Tracy Simpson. 
There will be a tent set up for the judges, and part of the scoring will be on how well the participants interact with the crowd. This year will be a test run of the new judging system. 
In order to have your entry judged the float has to be decorated, you must be on time, finished setting up staging and ready for 8:30 a.m. Two people need to walk on either side of the float and there is absolutely no throwing candy from floats. The first time caught will result in a warning, and the second time will see the organization or business removed from the parade. The people walking on either side can walk along bringing candy to the kids lined along the sidewalk.  
The decorating of the floats can take form to the imagination of the creator.
“You can take ‘Year of the Horse’ and you can go the Chinese calendar route and be really creative that way, you can go the western route and get really into the western rodeo. I think there’s just a lot of options that people can do, so we’re hoping to see some really creative floats,” said Simpson.
Registration deadline for the parade is July 25. Registration forms can be found and completed online and the entry fee is $25 for businesses and free for non-profit community groups. 
“We’re looking for volunteers if anyone wants to come help judge. All judges will be fed that morning. We’re also looking for people who would be interested in helping organize the parade the day of,” said Simpson.
She is looking for approximately seven to 10 people to help judge the floats, and another seven to 10 people to help with staging. Anyone interested can contact the town at 403-934-3133 and ask for Tracy Simpson.