Hale looks forward to New Year
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Strathmore-Brooks MLA Jason Hale spoke with us about what’s happening in his world this year, and over the past year.
What are some of the highlights of 2013?
As we encountered our worst natural disaster with the floods it was amazing to see the outpouring of help from people in the Strathmore-Brooks constituency, across Alberta and across Canada to jump right up and lend a helping hand where they could.
It was a great day when I learned the WADEMSA contract was going to be signed by Alberta Health Services. I was happy to help and support the members of WADEMSA in all the hard work they did to secure this contract.
As a caucus we worked very hard standing up for the rights of Albertans, we fought for pharmacists, seniors, children in provincial care, property rights and a future where we can take care of our most vulnerable, respect tax payer dollars, eliminate waste and mismanagement and focus on delivering good public services for all.
What do you look forward to in 2014?
I look forward to standing up for the people in the Strathmore-Brooks constituency. I will continue to work for them in the Alberta legislature, holding the government accountable for our tax dollars, services and decisions they make insuring they are in the best interest of all Albertans.
How do you feel the discussions about the hospital are going?
I have written letters and asked questions to the Ministers and AHS, advocating for expansion of the Strathmore Hospital. I will continue to pressure the government on this very important issue for our community. I will continue to work closely with the elected officials and medical professionals from Strathmore to achieve our goals.
Are you happy with the way things are heading with the Northern Gateway pipeline?
Yes, I am pleased to hear the Joint Review Panel has given the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline the green light. This project will allow much needed access to global markets and help spur economic growth across the country. Albertans want to see their resources developed responsively and transported safely. The panel identified 209 recommendations that would help improve the safety of the pipeline. Protecting the environment must remain a top priority as this project moves forward.
What are some of the issues facing you as the energy critic?
Currently I am working on the Licensee Liability Rating issue with a number of Junior oil/gas companies. New rules put in place are causing many of these companies to put up huge fees to continue to stay in business. This fees increase is jeopardizing many of these companies ability to keep their doors open.
The Alberta Energy Regulator was designed to improve the process of industry approvals and licensing, the amalgamation of the Alberta Environment and ERCB has not gone very smoothly. We are seeing a huge backlog of applications and much confusion in the industry. I will continue to work with industry and the AER to address these problems.
It is an honour to represent the constituency of Strathmore-Brooks and I am looking forward to 2014. I encourage anyone to please contact me anytime with questions, issues, or suggestions.