Strathmore Youth Club looking to turn negative stigma around

 Rebecca Friesen 

Times Contributor
The Youth Club of Strathmore has been the victim of several unfortunate events, and they would like to get rid of all the negative assumptions that come with their name.
Graffiti, the skate park, previous programs, and illegal activities have all contributed to the negative view that some people have of the youth club.
“We are trying to break away from this mold and define ourselves as a different program,” said Shannon Zieman, Program Director at the youth club.
“We are asking the community to please not paint us with a negative brush when you have not taken the time to find out who we really are and the efforts we are making to provide our youth with a fun and safe place to be.”
Along with newspaper articles, e-mails and generally getting the word out, the Youth Club has changed their offered programs, gotten lights put up around the skate park, installed security cameras and alarms and even advocated for more policing of the area.
“We are caught up in a whirlwind of false assumptions,” said Colina Clark, Program Coordinator. “We are faced with the challenge of finding an identity of our own, separate from the previous circumstances.”
With new programs that include focus on children and pre-teens, and supervised leader roles for teenagers, Clark says that the Youth Club is providing a “positive investment in our youth.” They hope to support and encourage youth in Strathmore to develop confidence, self-esteem and personal skill development.
“We are community members who strive to better and strengthen our community. We were built and are driven by families,” said Clark.
“We are part of the community. We will prosper with the support of the community.”
If you are looking for more information about the Youth Club of Strathmore, please visit