Gravel pit fees increase

 Sharon McLeay  

Times Contributor    
Council moved to increase permit fees for gravel pits based on proposed acres to be mined. 
“We compared the fees charged by other counties and came up with the proposed fees,” said Kim Sandbeck, Development Officer.
The current fee is a $500 flat fee, because there were no structures involved, however due to the time involved in stripping processes and disturbance involved to neighbouring properties, staff felt the increased fees reasonable. Some companies applied for a small pit on the permit, just to get started and used it as a back door for enlarging the pit later. Sandbeck said that the new fee structure should discourage the practise.
“Neighbours think it is a one year project and then it expands into ten years,” said Sandbeck.
A permit for less than two acres remains at $500, 2-4 acres is $1,500, 4-12 at $3,500 and over 12 is $6,500.
Secondary suite fee drop
The County approved dropping the development fee for a secondary suite in a dwelling, from $500 to $200. 
“The County has expressed a desire to increase population densities and we felt it would be line with achieving that goal,” said Sandbeck.
Building height restraints
Approval was given to restricting the height of buildings in hamlets to 18 feet. Whether the building is one or two storeys, the height restriction remains 18 feet. 
“We were trying to make the codes more consistent,” said Sandbeck.
Accessory buildings were limited to a 12 foot height restriction.
Move on fees
The refundable development fee to move a home onto a property was set at $10,000, for new, modular and used homes. 
The refundable fee was required because speculators were stockpiling movable homes on properties, until prospective buyers were found, or houses were moved in and not finished.
“We were trying to stop junk coming in,” said Councillor Ben Armstrong. 
Councillor Alice Booth suggested that the $10,000 fee may be a burden on some people and should be limited to $5,000.
Inquiries to staff found that no homeowners had waived the fee in favour of not finishing the home. Reeve Glen Koester suggested that the conditions of refund specify that the finishing is esthetically pleasing. 
Boarding kennel 
All pet boarding kennels in the County will require a vet to certify the kennel health standards. The certification will be required annually. Letters will be sent by staff to notify kennel owners.