Buy rather than fix

 Sharon McLeay

Times Contributor
Wheatland County Council decided it makes more sense to invest funds in a new B6 dozer than put funds to repairs.
The dozer needs transfer and drive train work, and Transportation and Infrastructure Manager Dave Churchill suggested the investment might not be worth it.
“There is a net benefit to buy new. It is just the right time to do it,” said Churchill.
The dozer had 12,000 hours of operation. It was off warranty. The motor repairs would cost about $67,000, and at resale the machine would only command about $71,000. The total bill to recertify it would be $150,000, whereas a new machine complete with new attachments is $391,000. As to accessing the funds, Churchill planned to bump equipment with less wear to a later replacement year. 
“We have a reserve in our Capital purchases that was set up for situations like this,” said Reeve Glen Koester. “Don’t delay other needs to do this.”
Council approved the purchase of the new dozer and will send the old one to auction.
Public Works
Bridge File 7918 in Redland is scheduled for shut down until June. Concrete barriers will be set up until guard rails can be installed. The remainder of contractor funds will be held until work is completed. 
Churchill indicated that recovery of $634,884 was obtained from the province, for bridge work completed in the county during 2012. He also commented on work submitted for consideration in 2013-15.
“Alberta Transportation pretty much agreed in principal to all of our requests,” said Churchill.
He commented that plow and sand crews had been out four to five times in January. Tree removal courses were complete. Gravel crews were working at the Therin pit and stockpiling at RR264, which should be completed in eight months. Crews would be participating in an Overhead Crane mechanical course.
“We just want to make sure that the crews are doing everything safely,” said Churchill.
Private snow removal questioned.
Councillors questioned Churchill about the rules concerning private citizens clearing snow from roadways in County areas. 
Some well-meaning citizens had been plowing hamlet roadways with their own equipment. Councillors wondered if there was a bylaw concerning the procedure. Administration advised them that there wasn’t a bylaw, but the issue fell under the road clearing policies. 
“People have been in to talk to us,” said CAO Jennifer Deak. “It is a liability for them and us. There needs to be a work and access agreement in place and proper liability insurance to cover them. We told them they needed the agreement and they took the policy with them.”
Deak said without the signed agreement, citizens cannot use their equipment on the roads and it is essentially illegal.
Tenders opened
Rosebud pump and well house upgrade tenders were opened with three incoming bids. CDM Mechanical put in a final bid of $124,273 with a 110 day completion. NIB Developments tendered a $188,553.75 bid with 60 day completion. Everest Construction gave a $227,864.18 bid with 120 day completion. Council awarded it to CDM Mechanical. 
The second tender had four bids for the Rosebud Water Booster Station. CDM Mechanical bid $471,835.81, with a 160 day completion. AM McKay posted a $579,585.30 bid at 180 days to complete. , NIB Developments placed the lowest bid at $399,630 with a 90 day finish and Everest Construction posted $732,102 with completion estimate at 120 days. Council approved the low bid from NIB Developments.
A tender for the sale of lots in Cluny received no applicants.
WFCSS moved in 
Completion of the administration building repairs was complete and Churchill confirmed to Council that WFCSS had moved into their new offices.
“They are settling in nicely and beginning to fit in,” Churchill said.
WID and Water Smart
Mike Ziehr, Municipal Engineer Technologist and development officer advised council that the terms of reference had been completed and they were looking at proposals that would address the region’s issues. A study of the feasibility of draining storm water and pinpointing appropriate drainage sites will be done soon. More information would be forthcoming after the February 22 meeting.