Locals concerned for future of critical wetland and wildlife habitat

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Strathmore Bird Sanctuary Initiative presented as a delegation before Town of Strathmore council during the Feb. 5 regular meeting to discuss the preservation of the natural area west of Thomas Drive, and north of the Strathmore Municipal Library. 

The area in question contains trees planted by Harry Freeman in the 1940s and has been a Ducks Unlimited project since 1947.

Seymour Pacific Developments aims to construct 147 apartments across two buildings at Eagle Heights, clearing away the heritage forest in order to do so. 

“The wetland in question, ST19, it has been identified as an environmentally significant wetland because of its high species diversity,” said Denis Manzer, addressing council. “This is a wetland that a lot of species have their babies, but we also have in that forest there, great horned owls, great blue herons, red tailed hawks, Swainson’s hawks – that forest is actually part of why that wetland is so diverse because it has a lot of habitats for bird species in the trees.”

The Town of Strathmore maintains a local policy citing the protection of wetlands, such that “no development shall be permitted within 30 meters of the ‘legal bank’ of a permanent and naturally occurring wetland or such greater distance determined necessary by a qualified wetland aquatic environment specialist.”

Trumpeter Swans, which are identified federally as a protected species, also frequent the area. 

Under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, Prohibition 5.1 (1) no person or vessel shall deposit a substance that is harmful to migratory birds, or permit such a substance to be deposited, in waters or an area frequented by migratory birds or in a place from which the substance may enter such waters or an area.

Common pollutants found in parking lots include automotive grease, gasoline, heavy metals, sediment, fertilizers and pesticides, and trash deposited by users. 

“We do have a vision that this place could be turned into such a really cool place for the Town of Strathmore to build a bird sanctuary, an interpretive center, bird observatory … this would be a great place for education, bringing school groups; this a very valuable thing for young people to go see the birds,” said Manzer. “Birding is a multimillion-dollar industry. When people come here to Strathmore, they (could) go visit the bird sanctuary; they are going to spend money at the local businesses; it is going to be a huge boost.”

During the regular meeting, council did not open the floor to discussion or debate regarding presentations and only accepted what the delegation had to say as information. 

Simon Metke, who presented before council alongside Manzer, said to see an old growth forest as old as the one in question on the prairies is a rare and valuable site, particularly as this one is a prominent wildlife corridor. 

He added though additional housing in Strathmore is something that is necessary and becoming increasingly so, this location is not the space to put it. 

“We are 100 per cent behind the whole concept of affordable housing. This developer has stated that 10 per cent of the units will be affordable housing for the first 10 years, (but) there is not real definition of, what does ‘affordable housing’ mean to who,” he said. “There is lots of room to expand for more affordable housing. Destroying Strathmore’s super valuable biodiverse nature asset for affordable housing and cramming more density in, that is not improving quality of life.”

In addition to being host to local and migratory bird species, the wetland also shelters amphibians such as frogs and salamanders, among other aquatic species. 

Their ultimate goal is for the town to turn the location into a protected environmental area. 

“We are requesting that a stop to any further permits, even though they already have their demolition permit, but a stop for any more advancement of doing anything to this land, especially until a proper qualified environmental assessment has been done and the province is involved,” said Metke. “If this goes through and this gets destroyed, there is no going back from that. It is a 100 per cent loss; it devalues the properties in the neighborhood around here; it is going to very much disturb the old folks homes on either side of Park Lane Way, Park Lane Place and Lambert Village.”

In order to aid in raising public awareness towards preserving the wetland, a Strathmore Bird Sanctuary Initiative Facebook group has been founded. The group is open to the public for anyone wishing to learn more and get involved.

For those either not on Facebook or not desiring to participate in social media, Metke is encouraging anyone who wishes to help or learn more to email them (strathmorebirdsanctuary@gmail.com).