County council amends land use bylaw regarding former Cluny Fire Hall location

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council opened discussions regarding the proposed bylaw 2024-26, being a bylaw to redesignate an area of community service district to hamlet commercial district.

This change in land use would facilitate the decommissioning and future sale of the former Cluny Fire Hall. 

Prior to the opening of the public hearing to discuss the land use amendment bylaw, no concerns were raised by the public in regards to the change, following circulation of notice of the public hearing.

The subject lands are located in the Hamlet of Cluny, east of 2 St. and 1 Ave, across from the railway. Land uses adjacent to the parcel are largely residential.

County council voted to close the former fire hall in June 2021and relocated some of its resources to other fire halls in the relative nearby vicinity. 

Changing the land use to commercial district will allow for private business development on the parcel, and facilitate a higher likelihood of sale of the old fire hall building. 

“Hamlet commercial district is an appropriate land use district, as future commercial operations can make use of the existing infrastructure and are less likely to present land use conflicts than an industrial designation,” said Jessica Russel, planner with the county. “The proposal was evaluated against the municipal development plan’s commercial policies which encourage commercial uses that provide employment opportunities and diversifies the local economy.”

No members of the public stepped forward to make their support or objections known to county council during the public hearing prior to its closure. 

Coun. Shannon Laprise, immediately following the closure of the public hearing, motioned to pass first reading of the land use amending bylaw. 

Prior to the vote, upon question from Laprise, it was clarified that the change of land use is simply to facilitate a future sale of the building and a sale has not yet been queued in regards to the facility. 

First reading was passed unanimously by council without further discussion or debate. 

Coun. Donna Biggar motioned for council to hold second reading. This was also passed unanimously without further discussion.

Coun. Ikert motioned for council to grant permission to hold third and final reading of the bylaw during the same meeting as the prior two readings. This was carried unanimously. 

Laprise motioned to hold third and final reading of the bylaw, which was passed by council.