County amends Agriculture Service Board Bylaw

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council passed a revision to the Agriculture Service Board (ASB) Bylaw during the Sept. 17 regular meeting of council.

As per the ASB bylaw, county council members who serve on the ASB are occasionally required to attend agricultural-related conferences, conventions or events that are beyond those which are pre-approved under the County’s Elected Official Remuneration Policy.

As a result of this, attendance at such events by ASB members must first be approved by council.

The purpose of the amendment to the bylaw is to more definitely delegate the authority to approve attendance at additional events, including associated remuneration for councillor board members to the ASB. 

Prior to the amendment of the bylaw, council was required to pass resolutions to approve the attendance of councillor ASB members at additional ASB related functions and events not explicitly outlined in the County’s Elected Official Remuneration Policy.

“I think it is a great idea; we do have a budget that we have to operate within, so I think if we look at the ASB goals to be responsive to current issues and trends in agriculture and increase awareness of environmental practices, we can only really do that by going to different events that are offered,” said Coun. Shannon Laprise. “For example, the AgSmart conference that a few of us went to – so there are other events like that, that could be useful to the ASB.”

Upon the passing of Bylaw 2024-28, being the amendment to the ASB bylaw, the previous iteration, being 2024-19 was required to be rescinded by council. 

The full ASB bylaw is available for public viewing through the Wheatland County website and Sept. 17 council meeting agenda. 

Second and third readings of the bylaw were both passed unanimously by council without further discussion or objection. 

Bylaw 2024-28 was put into effect immediately upon its signing as a result of the regular council meeting.