Tyrell Riding Academy to host summer gymkhana finals

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Tyrell Riding Academy has announced the gymkhana finals of its summer season will be hosted in Namaka on Oct. 26.

“Our gymkhana are a series of four events including the barrels, the weave polls, the figure-eights, and a few other events that we switch out, and they are timed speed events and the riders all compete for ribbons and that all goes towards points for year end,” said Jessica Tyrell, owner of Tyrell Riding Academy. “At year end, we hand out buckles and blankets, and a whole bunch of other fun prizes.”

She explained the event is an open show that is open to anyone interested in coming out to be a part of it and show their support for the riders who have been developing their skills throughout the summer season. 

Many of the competitors who participate in the Gymkhana participate in the Tyrell Riding Academy lesson program, but the event is not restricted to just its students. The summer season runs from April through September, though lessons run all year round. 

The October show will be the last in the summer series, which will rapidly be followed by an upcoming gymkhana in November, being the first of the winter series.

“There are five different categories, everything from lead lines to our senior jack bennies. In our lead lines, you are usually looking like at five or six in that class, and in our jack bennies and our open class, usually you have about 20 competitors,” said Tyrell. “Usually in total we have about 50 riders. We have been running (these events) for the last six or seven years. It has always been a growing thing and we are always welcoming new riders, and we have a lot of old faithfuls with us all the time.”

Tyrell added gymkhana participation is for everyone, with some of the youngest competitors being as young as three years old, while also seeing people coming out to compete who are well into their 60’s and 70’s. 

Despite the competition, Tyrell said the community is very tight-knit and friendly, cheering on everyone who steps in to compete, and participating as a community. 

“There are gymkhanas all over the place, especially around Strathmore. There are a few other places that do it in Canada as well and it is just kind of a nice, fun weekend competition,” she said. 

October’s gymkhana in Namaka will be a one-day event. More information is available online for those interested in participating.