Town to update local elections bylaw before end of year

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Town of Strathmore Committee of the Whole discussed proposed changes to the municipal election bylaw during the Sept. 11 meeting. 

As presented to council, the proposed changes to the bylaw are required in order to reflect and implement several of the directives in the Municipal Affairs Statutes Act, 2024 (Bill 20).

Bill 20 had previously been passed by the Province of Alberta in the spring. It was put into place to establish the framework for the conduct of elections in Alberta municipalities, school divisions, irrigation districts, and Metis settlements. 

The changes implemented by Bill 20 are summarized for public convenience on the Province of Alberta website. The full document is also freely available for public viewing. 

Town of Strathmore administration presented that the proposed changes to the local municipal election bylaw are required in order for the town to align administratively with the Local Authorities Election Act, and the Municipal Government Act. 

A deadline has been set by which the bylaw must be signed before the end of the 2024 calendar year in order to be applicable to the 2025 election.

The most notable changes to the bylaw according to administration and were immediately indicated to the Committee of the Whole include the removal of references to “Automatic Vote Tabulators” and associated material, as per changes the Alberta Government is implementing through Bill 20 to local election rules under the Local Authorities Election Act, and the addition of the definitions of “Election Sign” and “Special Ballot” for additional clarity.

Coun. Denise Peterson raised a query during the committee meeting as to whether there was any clarification available from the province regarding their decision to annex electronic voting.

“These updates are really just following through to Bill 20, so we are just following to be compliant, naturally. I am assuming this will cost the municipality additional money,” she said. 

Town of Strathmore CAO Kevin Scoble added administration believes without the aid of electronic vote counters, it will significantly delay the release of election results.

Prior to the implementation of Bill 20, the Town of Strathmore had planned on budgeting $50,000 for next year’s election. Now, Scoble said the placeholder estimate is $100,000 to hold the election.

The number will be adjusted as administration develops a better understanding of what will be required and how the election will take place.

A full list of new election rules which will be in effect in Strathmore are available to the public via the Committee of the Whole public meeting agenda.

Several other notable changes are clerical in nature and would not immediately impact the public in regards to a municipal election.

The next municipal general election will be held on Oct. 20, 2025. Nominations will be open between Jan. 1, and Sept. 20. 

Before the end of the year, town administration intends to present two bylaws before town council during regular meetings for consideration. These will be the Municipal Election Bylaw, and the Election Sign Bylaw. 

Should the town adopt the updated Municipal Election Bylaw in October, administration intends to begin advertising nomination packages beginning in November.