End of spring session house rises for summer

By Martin Shields Member of Parliament Bow River Riding

As this session of parliament comes to an end, Common Sense Conservatives have been fighting hard to hold the costly coalition NDP-Liberal government to account. We opposed Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh’s economic vandalism at every opportunity to bring down costs for Canadians. We exposed corruption on shady contracts like ArriveSCAM and McKinsey. We have forced them to take foreign interference seriously by finally setting up the public inquiry. We called for an end to taxpayer-funded hard drugs like meth and fentanyl that have killed thousands of Canadians. And so much more …

At a time when Canadians are struggling … Justin Trudeau is not worth the cost. Families and seniors shouldn’t have to choose between heating their homes, buying groceries, or putting gas in their cars. Enough. 

Common Sense Conservatives are working every day to axe the tax to bring home lower prices for all Canadians. 

We have a plan to: axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.

The Liberal-NDP government continues to pour fuel on the inflationary fire with $60 billion in new inflationary spending, meaning that inflation stayed higher, longer. The total deficit now sits at over $1.3 trillion.

Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh continue to ignore the crime and chaos on our streets, letting dangerous, repeat, violent offenders out on bail.

Over the past few months, conservatives have been fighting hard in parliament to hold the coalition accountable and bring home common sense. We have:

• Opposed Justin Trudeau’s agenda of economic vandalism at every opportunity by voting non-confidence.

• Forced a non-confidence vote on the carbon tax – which the NDP/Liberals voted for and Common Sense Conservatives voted against the inflationary tax.

• Exposed historic corruption at Trudeau’s billion-dollar Green Slush Fund, on the $60 million ArriveScam app, and over $200 million in government contracts with their friends at McKinsey. The prime minister admits this happened but did nothing to stop it and fought against transparency at every opportunity.

• Pushed the government to finally take action on rising carjackings, auto theft, and extortion. They want to talk at a car theft summit – we want action.

• Forced Trudeau and Steven Guilbeault to admit that their own report shows that the carbon tax is hurting Canadians by costing families almost $2,000 per year. They were hiding this secret internal report.

• Forced the liberal government to take foreign interference seriously by finally setting up the ongoing public inquiry and forcing the government to act on a foreign influence registry. The Prime Minister opposed doing anything and his government knew about the interference in the 2019 and 2021 election – and did nothing.

• Opposed the latest liberal censorship bill, the Online Harms Act C-63.

• Protected access to natural health products – which NDP-Liberals want to ban.

Common Sense Conservatives will never stop fighting for Canadians. Let’s bring it home.

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