Town under  Stage 4 water use restrictions

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Following the critical water line break in Calgary along 16 Ave, Strathmore has implemented Stage 4 water use restrictions in line with the city as the state of emergency continues.

Strathmore’s water supply is piped from Calgary, thus the concern for water shortage.

These restrictions include a ban on the use of sprinklers, hoses with a spray nozzle (for gardens, trees and shrubs) and washing outdoors, including cars, windows, exterior building surfaces, sidewalks, driveways, and walkways. 

“We are monitoring the situation and as of right now … we have the water limitations in place. Strathmore has done very well in reducing its water use,” said Mayor Pat Fule. “It is really important at this time, until they (the City of Calgary) are able to get that water leak repaired – I believe they have isolated the area where the water leak happened and they have got a bypass set up, but it is going to take about four or five days for it to be totally repaired and back to normal working condition. We are still hoping that we will still be able to keep our water usage low.”

The water main break occurred in Calgary in the evening of June 5, in a key supply pipe which carries water across the city. The break impacted water availability across Calgary. 

Fule added the Town of Strathmore has turned off the water to the public spray park, though the area remains open for use. 

“We want to make sure that there is water available for fire trucks in case there are emergencies,” he said. “The hope is that people will try to reduce (water use) as much as they can. We just want to make sure that we can preserve as much water as we can.”

Currently there are no boil water advisories in effect within the Town of Strathmore and water remains safe for consumption. 

The town is requesting residents, though it is technically not mandatory under the Stage 4 use restrictions, to voluntarily delay use of dishwashers and clothes washing machines, limit their shower times and keep baths shallow, turn off humidifiers and ice machines, and to limit tap water use. 

In order to support the water ban and voluntary indoor water use restrictions, the aquatic centre is temporarily closed until further notice, the Strathmore Family Centre will remain open, though the showers are closed, and the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre also remains open, with its showers closed. 

The town has stated that updates as new information is released will be made available via their Facebook page.