WHMB application for provincial grant funding unsuccessful

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Province of Alberta has released that the application for grant funding submitted by the Wheatland Housing Management Board (WHMB) and Wheatland and Area Hospice Society (WAHS) was unsuccessful during this intake. 

The application for the project proposed to the province the 120-bed congregate living space, which is to include three to six dedicated hospice areas. 

A statement attributed to Jason Nixon, minister of seniors, community and social services, said funding applications to the Affordable Housing Partnership Program (AHPP) have seen a strong uptake, and were thus, highly competitive.

“I have had an opportunity to talk to the minister, and I have talked to Erica Washington, I think she is the head of finance, and Robert Craig, he is part of the buildings team … and they told us we had a very strong application, they had just run out of money,” said Glenn Koester, chair of the WHMB. “Our application is still in, we do not have to resubmit, it is still in (and) the next go round, there is going to be more money in the pot. That is what we were told.”

Since receiving the notice of their unsuccessful application, Koester said the WHMB has made efforts to further improve the application for grant funding, including the addition of a Class B budget.

Further, Koester explained the WHMB will be striving to add letters of support from municipalities surrounding Strathmore that would benefit from the existence of a facility such as the proposed new lodge. 

“I am thinking unless we can find some more money, we will do a Class A (budget), but we do not have enough money to do a Class A yet. But, a Class A is not required to more ahead,” he said. “They (the province) mentioned there might be some more money this summer, depending on things on their end, (and) if not, in the fall, and I think they are in constant talks with the (federal government) too in how they can streamline the process.”

Koester added feedback had been provided to the WHMB by the province regarding their application, requesting a few clarifications, though nothing more was noted to be required in terms of numbers or project information.

The WHMB will be discussing their next steps with respect to the project during their next board meeting.

Information regarding the province’s Stronger Foundations 10-year strategy to improve and expand affordable housing is available online through their website.