Town approves new basement suite development
By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The Town of Strathmore voted to approve Bylaw 24-02, being a bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw 14-11, during the March 20, regular meeting of council.
Second and third readings of the bylaw were passed during the council meeting, following a public hearing, during which the bylaw was discussed and debated.
First reading was given during the Feb. 21, regular council meeting, and public notice was distributed regarding the public hearing prior to its occurrence.
The application to amend Land Use Bylaw 14-11 was received by the town, Nov. 30, 2023 and was deemed to be a complete application following the submission of additional required information by the property owners as of Jan. 5, 2024.
The proposed redesignation was to permit a secondary suite located within the basement of the existing single detached dwelling, situated at 318 First Avenue in Strathmore.
Administration recommended the approval of the amendment, as the approval and addition of secondary suites to local properties would increase the availability and range of affordable housing options available to current and future residents of the town, regardless of age, background, or abilities.
“The bylaw itself would amend and redesignate the lands from R3 to an R3 Direct Control District, so the base zoning would remain the same, but there would be a special permission on the lands to add the secondary suite within the existing dwelling,” said Glen Fergusen, senior planner with the Town of Strathmore. “This is a site specific redesignation, it would only apply to the lands at 318 First Avenue.”
Following Fergusen’s presentation before council, no members of the public opted to capitalize on the public hearing and speak or ask questions regarding the potential amendment to the land use bylaw.
Mayor Pat Fule inquired regarding assurances that following the development of the secondary suite, the building would maintain compliance with local construction and safety codes.
The property owner must now go through building permit processes assigned by the Town of Strathmore in order to appropriately redevelop the property. This process will also ensure the building remains in compliance with local construction and safety regulations.
It is noted in the report submitted to council by administration, the housing supply in the Town of Strathmore is primarily comprised of single detached dwellings.
Increasing the supply of more affordable housing types and built forms was noted to be representative of good land use planning.
The redesignation will contribute one additional residential dwelling unit to the town’s supply of affordable housing units.