Raising awareness

By Melissa Piche Times Contributor

Black History Month it is a way to bring attention to all the contributions of African Americans all over the globe. 

One local artist is hoping to raise awareness and perhaps a shed of hope for future generations by sharing her story through a movement show at Rosebud School of the Arts. 

The performance called Wave Hello, Say Goodbye is inspired by Judite Voldt, her courage, her legacy and her strength through adversity. 

Voldt grew up in an orphanage in Haiti from ages 3-7. During this time, she was abused and faced many challenges. At the age of 8 she was adopted by an Albertan family. She still had fears of being unsafe, but her adventure to Canada turned out to be the best and safest situation possible. 

“God was the only thing in my life who didn’t give up on me,” Voldt explained. “So even when I was hurting and beaten, He was the one who gave me the hope and strength to continue on.” 

In Haiti, the chances of an older child being adopted is very slim, but she beat the odds and is now able to share her story through the arts. 

Director Deanne Bertsch is also the drama teacher at the Strathmore High School. She teaches a movement class at Rosebud where she asked her students to share a story of when they had to shed their ‘public mask.’ This is when Voldt shared her story and the two got to work creating the movement show.

“I was really scared when Deanne asked me to do my story,” said Voldt. “It was a really hard story for me to tell … I wasn’t sure what would be done with it. While I can say I had multiple meltdowns, it turned into a really beautiful process and everyone there was really understanding and helpful to me and made me feel safe enough to do it.”

The show will feature dance pieces to the music of David Gray, who is a British folk singer-songwriter. Accompanying the show will be a live band and live singing, including students Bertsch had previously taught. 

“(Gray’s) songs just fit perfectly to her story,” said Bertsch. “It’s been a pretty interesting journey.”

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye has also been turned into a fundraiser for the students who attend the Rosebud School the Arts to help them pay for their annual theatre trip. 

This year the trip is to London, UK. For every ticket purchased, $10 will go towards the fundraiser. 

The show is scheduled for Feb. 10-11. Performances will be at 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. both days. 

For more information on the performance, to buy tickets, or to donate to the fundraiser, people are encouraged to visit the school’s website (rosebudtheatre.com).