Theatre players rehearse for upcoming performance

 Shannon LeClair

Times Reporter
The Strathmore Theatre Players will be presenting Blithe Spirit on the Strathmore High School theatre stage June 20 to 23. The play follows a novelist, who invites a medium to a dinner party in order to research her for a character in his book. A séance is held, and inadvertently someone from the novelist’s past is brought back. The person brought back is his first wife, and ensuing chaos follows. 
“We were trying to pick something that people would possibly be familiar with, also we really like (playwright) Noel Coward, he is a very good playwright, a very witty playwright,” said Angela Reeves, co-chair of the Strathmore Theatre Players. 
Historically the group has performed two or three productions a year, but in the past few years they have been somewhat limited with venue space. In January there was a variety night held, and with this upcoming production Reeves said they hope it’s a sign they are back to doing two to three productions a year.
From July 9 to 13 there will also be theatre classes offered to children age’s six to 12.  
“(It’s) just to introduce children to theatre in the community. It seems to be an age group that maybe there’s not as much opportunity for them,” said Reeves.  
“Once they get into junior and senior high school that they are able to do theatre within the schools. Also they’re at an age that usually they can come and join us for some productions.”
Blithe Spirit is held nightly at 7:30 p.m. from June 20 to 23. There will also be a matinee on June 23. Tickets are $15, or $10 for seniors and students. Anyone looking for more information about either the play or the theatre classes can call Angela Reeves at 403-901-0182.