The rams are back

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Running with the Rams will be returning to Strathmore Stampede for its fourth iteration this year. 

Joanne Selgensen, who came up with the idea for the event, said it’s an exciting opportunity for kids to get involved in the rodeo. 

“The kids love it, the parents love it, so do the grandparents. We take 12 kids a day for three days. We’re getting filled up and it’s going to be fun to watch,” said Selgensen. “People love it, it’s fun to watch, the kids are excited. We do the older kids first so that the five-year-old kids know what to do.”

According to Selgensen, the event debuted at the Strathmore Stampede in 2018 and has been a staple ever since. 

Her brainchild was inspired to start up by taking after the Running with the Bulls event, which is also a defining event of the Strathmore Stampede. 

“The first year I did it, I had the five-year-old kids go out first and it was a little confusing. I get the older kids out first and once it starts, they are going full tilt and the crowd loves it,” said Selgensen.

Contestants are five to seven years of age and are divided into teams to be given a certain colour. Each child will dip their hand in paint and chase the ram around the arena, attempting to add their coloured handprint to the animal.

The team with the most of their colour on the ram at the end of the event will be victorious and will win a prize.

The Running with the Rams will be taking place on the July 29-31 at the Strathmore Stampede starting at 11:30 a.m. each day in the Heritage Arena.