In need of recruits


Cody Gregory  

Times Contributor
The Strathmore Rural Fire Department is currently looking for new recruits, both men and women, to fill the fire hall this summer. With 25 members already, they are looking to expand to around 30.
“All the training a new recruit needs is paid for by the rural fire department” explains Chief Mark Heilman “There are three basic courses that cover everything from personal protective equipment, hoses, hydrants and vehicle extraction.” 
Along with the courses the firemen meet at the fire hall regularly twice a month to go over procedures and keep fresh minds on tasks and maintenance. 
“We go out on 110 to 160 calls a year, the best part of the job is knowing you can help people that rely on you, while everyone is running away from a fire we are running right into it.”
While the job is dangerous and can be stressful the morale of the men and women is kept much like a family 
“We try to have regular get-togethers, whether it be playing soccer in the gym or have BBQ’s” explains Chief Heilman. “During the Heritage Days long weekend we have the EMS BBQ for all the firefighters, paramedics and families” 
This year also marks the 11th year for the Strathmore ladies night at the fire hall. This year’s theme is a western theme to coincide with the Calgary Stampede’s 100th anniversary year. 
“There is a supper, silent auction and a band. We are looking for donations for the silent auction, proceeds raised go towards training and equipment for the firefighter,” adds Chief Heilman. Donation inquiries for the silent auction can be made to care of Trevor Dalstra:
To inquire about joining the Strathmore Rural fire department contact the fire hall at 403-901-2445. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the hall located at the intersection on East Lake Road and George Freeman.