Town signs memorandum for new recycle yard operator

 Shannon LeClair   

Times Reporter
Marilyn Galenski made a brief presentation to council about concerns she and other residents have with the Take it or Leave it at the recycle yard. Some of the concerns involve a couple of individuals whom she said are telling people what they may or may not take. 
“We want to see something done over there,” said Galenski. 
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Town and H&H Huxted Enterprises on April 19. Huxted will take over the operations of the recycle park. The 10-year arrangement has Huxted’s taking care of the recycling yard services at least at its current level of quality, if not better. For the first five years there is no cost to the Town, and in the final five years the maximum charge to the Town will be $100,000. Currently the recycle yard is operated at a $160,000 per year deficit. The worst-case scenario will see the Town paying a total of $500,000 over the next 10 years versus the minimum $1.6 million if they stuck with the current operators. 
Mill Rate Bylaw   
The Mill Rate Bylaw is made up of two components, the first of which is the current 2012-year, and the second being the assessed value of the properties within the town. The 2012 budget called for a three per cent increase in municipal tax revenue. The total residential assessment increased by approximately $7 million. The combined requisitions for education and Wheatland Housing increased by $265,000, an increase of 5.8 per cent for the 2012 year over the 2011 year. The requisitions for the two form 34.3 per cent of the total property taxes within the Town.  The Town is also obligated to add this form of taxation on the tax billing. The increase, along with the municipal increase combined will result in the average residential owner see taxes increase by approximately four per cent if the appraised value was to remain constant with last year. A sampling of homes in Strathmore saw the appraised value decrease by two per cent, which will have the effect of negating a portion of the increase for approximately 90 per cent of the dwelling units in Strathmore. 
Wildflower Reservoir 
Tenders are in for the construction of the Wildflower Reservoir. An estimate of $8 million was projected for the construction. Of the 10 tenders submitted, the prices ranged from $6,440,443 up to $9.335,200. Upon reviewing the tenders and following up with the specifications administration felt the two lowest tenders were compliant. The price difference between two bidders was approximately .5 per cent. 
The cost is coming in lower than originally projected, and council awarded the tender to Graham Infrastructure. 
Construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of the year, December 31. 
Day of Mourning
On April 28 flags will be flying at half mast to recognize the Day of Mourning. The Day of Mourning recognizes, and honours, all workers who have been killed, injured or disabled at their place of work.