All elections shape our future

By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers. I know that by the time you read this our municipal election will be finished. I want to take this opportunity to say what an honour it has been seeing so many of us engaged and involved in municipal and trustee elections. I have never seen so many candidates run for these critical positions and seeing so many women and people of diverse backgrounds run has been inspirational. 

Our municipal elected representatives and school board representatives are folks who are on the ground, making real changes that have an immediate impact. I have been saddened to see some of the disrespectful dialogue and I hope that we can find ways to work together as we continue forward, no matter who ends up representing us. There are some amazing ideas on the table and some creative ways folks are looking to use and allocate precious tax dollars. Albertans tax dollars should be treated with respect, transparency and accountability. All levels of government should be striving for that at all times. 

We also met with The Wheatland Regional Ambulance Service to discuss medical emergency services in the riding since Alberta Health Services took over ambulance dispatch. There is a lot of work to be done here and I am honoured to have had this conversation with those working so hard to make sure that rural Alberta has the services it needs and requires. 

The Legislative Assembly of Alberta’s Select Special Committee on Real Property Rights has sought input from the public to review issues related to real property rights in Alberta. 

The committee will review several different issues, including whether: 

– legal remedies available to a real property owner who is deprived of the use of their real property are adequate.

– real property rights should be expanded, or in the case of an individual, constitutionally protected;

– the law of adverse possession should be abolished;

– the expropriation processes provided under the Expropriation Act are adequate.

The committee will also review Bill 206, Property Rights Statutes Amendment Act, 2020, as well as the following statutes: Alberta Bill of Rights, Alberta Land Stewardship Act, Expropriation Act, Land Titles Act, Law of Property Act, Limitations Act and the Responsible Energy Development Act.

The committee accepted written submissions until Aug. 15, 2021. I want to thank the many groups and organizations who put forward submissions and I look forward to seeing the recommendations of this committee working with the Surface Rights Board to help make the landowners whole. We need to see stronger oversight from the Alberta Energy Regulator on behalf of the landowners and see incentives for energy companies to reclaim low-producing wells. Thank you to WAASRS (Wheatland and Area Surface Rights Society) for their ongoing advocacy and meeting with local MLA’s, particularly the Ministers of Energy and Municipal Affairs. 

As always, we love to hear from you. Have a wonderful day!

(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore)