Carseland Aggie Days a go despite financial loss

By Carseland Aggie Days a go despite financial loss

The Carseland and District Community Association and Agricultural Society moved forward with their plan to host Aggie Days last weekend, despite expecting to make a loss on the event.

According to President Georgina Nicholls, the association had to dip into their seed money to hold the event June 19 and 20. 

“We definitely won’t be making a profit off the event, but for us it was more important to put something on for our community and to get the kids and the families out and reconnecting with everybody,” she said.

Last year’s cancellation of Aggie Days had a lasting financial effect on the association, and that is why they plan on making a loss this year.

“Aggie Days is probably the biggest event of the year that we host,” said Nicholls. “Not having Aggie Days not only had an impact on the community association, but the businesses and the economy within the community itself.”

One way the association keeps costs down is by having volunteers help out for their community. Nicholls said most of the volunteers put in about 30 hours in two days for the event.

“We have an amazing community. Everybody comes out to help, and that’s what makes it great. That was the theme for our parade this year: pride in our community.”

Nicholls says some community members who work hard inspire others to do the same for their community.

“The collaboration is amazing. We have a gentleman named Lorne that’s been part of our community … three generations of his family are here,” she said. “He runs the mutton bustin’, and he’s retired. So, when you have people like him who are willing to step up and give up their time, how can you not want to try your best to make the best event possible?”