Hockey returns to Standard
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Hockey returned to Standard this year when Dave Ellis decided to organize a pond hockey group. There are 19 kids registered aged three to 11-years-old, and Ellis said a majority of them are in the five to seven-years-old range.
“Last time we had hockey was midgets and that’s got to be seven or eight years ago I guess, so we haven’t had any league hockey in a while. Our kids were just driving else where to play hockey and I just hate to see all our kids go somewhere else when they could just play here,” said Ellis.
“They’ve come along so much, they’ve been learning so much and they don’t even know they’re learning, it’s been really successful.”
Ellis said many people in the community had been speaking about possibly bringing hockey back for the kids, and he opted to step up and organize things. Ellis said his oldest son is five and wanted to play hockey, which was more motivation for him to take the reins.
“I don’t know what the future is as far as whether we’re going to get a league back or what, but for now we’re just pretty content getting the kids out there skating and learning some stuff,” said Ellis.
“It’s been a real success out here…and hopefully one day (we’ll) get a league back.”