Strathmore Storm PeeWee Hockey tournament a huge success


Manny Everett  

Times Contributor
Two of the four peewee boys teams from Strathmore hosted a successful tournament in Standard over the weekend.
The Strathmore Storm Tier 5 and the Strathmore Storm Tier 6 each hosted two other teams during the fun-filled tournament.
The Tier 5 teams included the Strathmore Storm, Fort Saskatchewan Rangers and the Airdrie Bombers. The Tier 6 teams were the Strathmore Storm, Drumheller Raptors, and the Chestermere Lakers.
The overall winners in Tier 5 were the Strathmore Storm, second place went to Fort Saskatchewan, and rounding off the tournament in third place were the Airdrie Bombers. 
The Heart and Hustle awards from the Strathmore Storm went to Reese Taubert and Austin MacKenzie, and Most Valuable Player (MVP) awards went to Shilo Petit and Calen Wilson.
In the Tier 6 division the Chestermere Lakers took first place, followed by the Drumheller Raptors, and the Strathmore Storm pulling the third place spot. 
The winners of the Heart and Hustle for Tier 6 were Tanner Owel, and MVP went to Tyler Markel. 
Just to make note of the different awards handed out, the difference between the two awards is that the coaches chose the Heart and Hustle from their own team, which was the player who “upped their play” for that game. 
The MVP is chosen by the opposing coach. They chose the player they thought made the biggest contribution for their respective teams.
Karen Corbiell, who organized the tournament, said, “the kids that I talked to said they had fun. We had a great group of parents to help out with the time and score keeping, raffle table, selling of 50/50’s and all the other tasks that go in to making a tournament successful.”