Strathmore CIB launches yard recognition program

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Strathmore Communities in Bloom has been working behind the scenes over the winter to create a program that will celebrate, recognize and encourage Strathmore residents in their efforts to care for their yards.

Through its new yard recognition program, five residential yards will be recognized weekly for tidiness, floral displays, landscaping and/or its positive environmental impact. Positive environmental impact could include rainwater harvesting systems, drought tolerant plants, pollinator friendly plants, water conservation measures, community engagement elements, urban farm gardens or food forests.

The competition takes place between June 15 to Sept. 15.

Each yard that is chosen to display a recognition sign for a week will be entered into a draw for one of five $100 cash prizes awarded in September 2021.

Communities in Bloom (CIB) committee members will select the first five yards and a sign will be displayed in the yard for one week. Those selected will then be asked to choose another deserving yard to display the sign for the next week in a “pass it on” fashion. Each time the sign changes location, the (new recipient) homeowner contacts CIB to provide their contact information and confirm participation. This will enter them into the draw and help CIB keep track of where the signs are.

Homeowners are encouraged to take a picture of the sign in their yard and email it to to be shared on Strathmore CIB Facebook page; those who share their photos will be entered to win one of six prize packages from Scotts Canada. This secondary draw will take place in the middle of August.