Councillor investigation report to be released

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The results of an investigation into a Strathmore town councillor’s alleged breach of the town’s councillor code of conduct will be made public in the near future.

Councillor Denise Peterson allegedly breached the Town of Strathmore’s councillor code of conduct, prompting the town to retain third-party consultant Strategic Steps Inc., at a cost just under $15,000.

According to Ian McCormack, president of Strategic Steps, the nature of what was assessed throughout the investigation is subjective.

“Much of what we have seen through this entire process seems to be a matter of perception, and that seems to be continuing to this point as well – that different people have different perspectives on what we’ve written here in digital black and white,” he said.

During the town’s committee of the whole meeting on May 12, Peterson said there could be disagreement on the recommendations made in the report. 

“I understand that I have a lot of familiarity with investigations around code of conduct, and I understand how they work, but I don’t think that that’s the understanding of at least two members of this council,” she said. “I think that some clarity is going to be required around exactly what the report from the recommendations are asking me to do. I think that I am very clear on that. I think the investigator has also made it very clear. But I don’t think the council is clear.”

Councillor Bob Sobol proposed a motion for Peterson to issue an apology. But Councillor Tari Cockx said that should not be done until the report is released. 

“It doesn’t make sense for Councillor Peterson to do anything now, when the public doesn’t know what happened,” she said.

Yet the motion passed 5-2, with Cockx and Councillor Jason Montgomery voting in opposition.

Councillor Lorraine Bauer moved to have action taken regarding other recommendations of the report. These included placing emphasis on respectful workplace policies during future council orientations, ensuring social media policy is clear to all council members, and updating the town’s procedure bylaw, code of conduct and respectful workplace policy. The specific nature of these recommendations will be made clear when the report is released to the public.