Protecting Albertans

By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

When the COVID-19 pandemic started over a year ago, no one knew what the future held. But thanks to the tireless efforts of innovative medical experts, we are now rolling out safe, reliable vaccines to protect Albertans. We also see how fast we have been able to turn the page on vaccine production and deployment in only a year. Not only have we guaranteed the efficacy and safety of these vaccines that are available globally, but we have also been able to distribute these vaccines en masse. And distribution started at the end of 2020, a year earlier than our previous best estimates.

As of today, Alberta’s government has administered more than two million vaccines. This is fantastic news, and I am encouraged that these numbers will be far higher by the time this article is published.

Over the past year, Alberta has confirmed a total of 211,836 COVID-19 cases (as of May 10), with 184,719 people recovering (May 10). As daunting as that total of case numbers may be, the total recovery means that 87.2 per cent of total cases have recovered at this point.

Alberta’s vaccine rollout prioritized protecting seniors and our most vulnerable. This strategy has worked overall as 76 per cent of seniors aged 75 and older are fully immunized. We began our rollout targeting health-care workers, respiratory therapists and staff in long-term care homes. We planned to protect those who can help our most vulnerable by quickly transitioning to first responders and seniors aged 75 and up.

As a result, on May 10, some visiting restrictions in congregate living facilities across Alberta were eased. This means that each resident can identify up to four designated family or support people as visitors. Supporting our seniors is extremely important right now, and I am happy that we can ease these restrictions and I am looking forward to the near future when we can ease restrictions more substantially.

Additionally, we are seeing record enrolment in our vaccine program now that we have opened up appointments for everyone age 12 and older. Our province opened vaccines to young people faster than any other province, all while protecting seniors and our most vulnerable. This is something we can all be proud of.

As I said before, hope is on the horizon. We have come so far over the past year, and we are light-years beyond where we thought we would be in early 2020. Alberta’s vaccine rollout is now available to nearly every Albertan. We have consistently been in the top ranks for vaccinations administered since they became available last December. We are almost at the end of this, and I am encouraged to see how far we have come.

On a personal note, I am so grateful to live in Alberta and Canada. I know I say that all the time, but for context, I have personally lost four of my own loved ones to this horrible virus in India. Like many of you, I am frustrated, I am overwhelmed, and I am desperate to see my friends and family, to be there for them. My cousin who passed this week was only 40, healthy, had a beautiful family and was taken in mere days. Please take care of each other. This is in so many ways a crossroads and we are the only ones that can turn this around, keep each other safe and healthy, and open up our world again.

Alberta is the first province in Western Canada to offer rapid antigen testing kits to all chambers of commerce provincewide to help identify pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and isolate them early. This program allows Alberta businesses to work directly with local chamber staff. Interested businesses and not-for-profit organizations can apply to receive rapid testing kits directly from their local chamber of commerce. A chamber membership is not required.

Finally, we are launching the Stabilize Live Music Grant program to help rebuild and reopen live experiences once public health guidelines allow. Grants of $1,500 will help musicians and other live music professionals prepare for a return to live performances. Grants up to $25,000 for for-profit music venues will support innovative projects to help Alberta’s music industry adapt and relaunch. Alberta’s government is partnering with Alberta Music, which will administer the grant. Eligible live music professionals and businesses can apply through the association’s website, starting May 17, until all funds are awarded.

As always, we love to hear from you.

(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)