Severn Dam open for camping

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County is removing “no camping” signs at Severn Creek Dam Recreation Area installed last year, but for now the campground will not be formalized through a development permit.

The Severn Creek Dam Recreation Area, located at Severn Reservoir, just off Highway 840 south of Rosebud, is used as a campsite by families and fishermen. Last summer, Wheatland County installed no camping signs at the site because of COVID-19 protocols, instead only allowing day-use at the site.

COVID-19 protocols have since been lowered, so they can now be met without additional operating costs to the county, explained Dave Rimes, community services coordinator.

There is no charge to camp at the site. But infrastructure there is limited, with no onsite water, waste disposal or predetermined campsites. There are fire pits, picnic tables, dumpsters and two pit toilets onsite, however.

Severn Creek Dam Recreation Area is composed of provincial- and county-owned parcels. Previously, the county’s 17.5-acre portion was designated as agricultural general, under which camping is not permitted, despite it being tolerated there. 

But in September 2020, council rezoned the parcel to its parks and recreation land use district. 

This change opens the door for the county to formalize a minor campground at the site, through a development permit. The county could then implement a registration system and develop a maximum of 25 sites. This would allow the county to charge for camping and limit the length of stays. But the move would also cost around $75,000 to develop sites and install signage, said Rimes.

Looking to minimize spending, council elected to not pursue a development permit at this time and instead continue the approach to managing the site taken in the past.